well it takes a troll to attract trolls. after all, you commented.
well it takes a troll to attract trolls. after all, you commented.
it’s not a low point at all; it’s just another insignificant thing for SJWs like you to whine about and write endless thinkpieces on.
why? that would be fixing the character for a non-existent demographic. men play SF, and women don’t. nice try there anyway, SJW.
yeah, because it’s her eyes that have all the badassery, and not the plethora of fighting moves she has at her command /sarcasm
SF and its creators will do just fine, with or without whiny SJWs like you.
except that she doesn’t look like a large-breasted child, except maybe in your twisted imagination.
you are wrong. the old design sucked, and the new one is better.
how about instead you take your SJW nonsense and GFY with it? because it’s a bunch of whiny crap, especially getting angry over something as meaningless as this, in a game like SF that’s full with caricatures of all kinds. SJWs like you are like HYDRA: cut one head off, and two take its place.
and this is why people like you are the problem. looking to get offended at anything and everything for no reason.
lol, did you get enough silly SJW buzzwords in there to make your dumb point?