brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Try as I might, I could not sit through The Day The Earth Stood Still. I saw a screening that was interrupted with about 20 minutes left when someone had a medical emergency, and I walked out with no regrets. I don’t think I’ll bother to try again.

This is completely awesome. I really hope that people from agencies serving the homeless population were also there to help hook some folks up with ongoing services.

I knew my irrational hatred of Orlando Bloom would come in handy some day.

I’m a UC Santa Cruz alum, and unless the campus culture has changed dramatically, “You do you” is the order of the day. This would include taking a baby to class if that’s what the parent needs to do. Short of a chemistry or physics lab where actual harm could occur, I don’t see the harm.

This past Saturday one of my sisters went into preterm labor and my niece was born at 32 weeks gestational age (so right around the same GA as this baby). She’s going to be in the NICU for a month and by all appearances she’s doing extraordinarily well for a preemie. I can’t imagine anyone with an ounce of rational

I’ve had wrist surgery twice in the last couple years and got a lot of weird looks during the recovery when I had huge bandages over the wound. I’m sure more than one person assumed I had a suicide attempt. I was fond of responding to those looks with a dead-eye stare and if they dared ask questions I would just say

Boyfriendo keeps trying to convince me Monday is an unofficial Italian-American heritage day. He is wrong.

My mother is a survivor - she’s been in remission almost 20 years, if my math is correct. Back then, awareness campaigns were actually useful.

But now? Fuck, I can’t stand this shit. Pink handcuffs? NFL players in pink shoes? Pink donuts at the fucking 7-11? October is the WORST month.

Anecdata, but in my experience, a bad first kiss always indicates the rest of the relationship will be shitty too. I have tried to train some former partners but it never really worked.

Sometimes my boyfriend kisses me like that as a joke and it squicks me out every damn time.

I have friends (the kind of friends who aren’t allowed to see much of what I do on Facebook anymore) who are absolutely insistent on never giving their dogs any vaccines. I really sincerely hope they never raise human babies.

A friend of mine, who was a white transman, was murdered in June 2014. Police believe it was a home invasion gone wrong, although the case has not been solved and probably never will be. When I found out, my first thought was “Please let this just be a robbery.” There’s no evidence he was targeted for being trans, but

Boyfriendo is a of U of R alum and is cringing hard right now, but also not all that surprised.

Less Tolkien, more Pratchett. Tolkien’s writing is unreadable. Soul Music is a goddamn masterpiece.

Richmond, but I’m down in HR often enough.

I live in Virginia and would very much like to know which restaurant chain to avoid, please and thank you.

A few years back I got mono really badly and was out of work for almost a month. In the few first horrible days of the fever I found a camel cricket in my shower. I was so weak from being sick that it took me three days to get it from the shower all of two feet to the toilet. But killing that stupid thing was my

When I was 7 (early 1992), I fell off a seesaw at school and shattered three front teeth. I’m 31 and they’ve never really been the same. (Yes, lucky me, they were all permanent teeth that came in early.) I don’t recall the school doing anything other than helping me wash my mouth out in the water fountain. THANKS GUYS.

Respectfully disagree. Things I have seen IRL that could not possibly have been shopped have also freaked me the fuck out. And that was long before I was aware that other people would react similarly.

Me and the dude are committed to not getting married before 2017, which is great, because it gives me at least a year to figure out how to have a wedding with the least possible involvement of my middle sister (I’m the youngest of three). We’re leaning very strongly toward going with our closest friends to the nearest