brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I’ve quit several knitting circles because no one has the cajones to tell this one particular racist nutbag to shut the fuck up on the regular. EVERYWHERE I GO, THERE SHE IS. Our community is small enough that she’s almost guaranteed to find her way into almost any group in the area.

On the plus side, I have a lot more

If you want to reach your senators/US rep but can’t/don’t want to call, check out ResistBot. It will send letters for you, generally by fax, so your voice can also be heard. I access it through FB messenger but there are other ways too.

Came here to say the same thing.

I like to get drunk and flirt with my husband by text message when he’s sitting next to me on the couch. If I’m feeling really crazy I’ll go off on a rant about college mascots I hate (Stanford I am looking at you). Once I used a $100 Amazon gift card to buy 14 books.

Alcohol, like salt, just makes you more like

The summer after college I suddenly found myself homeless. A friend told me there was an extra bedroom in the giant house she lived in and while there was no way I could afford the rent, she helped me squat for a month or so while the landlord found a paying tenant. I hid everything I owned in a closet every day and

Apparently it has to do with the whole not altering your body thing (same reason piercings and tattoos are frowned upon, although my rabbi has full sleeves and says that there’s actually nothing in Jewish law that forbids tats so who knows). Also it’s against God’s will to prevent illness? But then again Orthodox

I need to know this word. I feel it every time I look at the night sky.

My Jewish immigrant sister and her Jewish loser husband both voted for trump. If I’m being honest that pretty much ended any possibility of us ever having a relationship.

So a real fun problem people don’t think about a whole lot is that a lot of hospitals aren’t equipped to perform forensic exams. They’re very expensive and payment isn’t always guaranteed (I work for a government agency that provides funds for the exams but the amount paid is capped at a rate usually about 1/3rd of

I’m a ciswoman of Middle Eastern and European extraction and I have PCOS. I’ve been shaving the underside of my chin daily without fail for over 15 years. It’s more or less noticeable depending on my hormones - the only good thing about menstruating is the hair basically stops growing. As I’ve entered my 30s the hair

Daniela Vega grabs my attention every time I see her. Like, I want to make out with her and also play with her hair and also raid her closet and also help her destroy the patriarchy? Life is confusing.

Earlier this week I didn’t have hot water for two days because the maintenance crew in this apartment complex are complete blithering idiots (they went into someone else’s unit, fixed the wrong thing, and tried to convince my husband that our problem was solved). Two days, and I was ready to burn shit down. Don’t fuck

It is entirely possible to have sex when the dog is on the bed, if the bed is big and the dog is small and banishing the dog from the room would result in the dog having a panic attack and possibly hurting herself.

Long story but at one point a couple years ago I had Dolores Huerta’s phone number, given to me so I could interview her for a grad school project. I chickened out and did not call her. I kind of regret that.

I can think of at least one ex-boyfriend who’s probably weeping into his trenchcoat right now.

Gene, if you’re out there: suck it.

My husband and I yell this scene to each other with alarming frequency.

She’s all fluff right now. We really need to get her groomed because she’ll get mats but I secretly love it when she’s so hairy.

Was it because Larry said Pitt the Elder was the superior prime minister?

I mean, look at this weird little moppet.

Our dog was abandoned at the vet’s office. Her former family wanted to put her down because she peed in the house (a history of bladder problems and they couldn’t be arsed to walk her). The vet refused so they just left her. She ended up with my husband and his ex-wife, and then he got her in the divorce, and now