brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

As the proud stepmother of an elderly bichon whom I love to pieces, I feel obligated to point out a few things:

1. The judges’ decision was absolutely correct.
2. Bichons are not actually very vocal.
3. Mine does not have runny eyes.
4. Bichons are the fucking best always and forever amen.

I look white but I have a non-Western name thanks to my Middle Eastern father. When I waited tables I’d often get the, “oh, what a beautiful name, where are you from?” line of questioning. I’m not interested in discussing the family traumas that led to me being born in the US, so I usually just replied with a

The pictures aren’t always taken with the subjects’ consent.

Circle circle dot dot

Releasing the steam from my instant pot scares the shit out of me EVERY TIME. Usually it involves me wrapping my hand in several layers of towel, making the smallest possible motion, and jumping backward immediately.

But you know what? I’ve used mine easily 20 times and have yet to burn myself or have an Exorcist

Boy am I glad I’m monogamously married (to someone I met on OkCupid). I’m the only person with my full name in the world. It’s too easy to google me already. At least with usernames I could pretend I had some privacy.

I wrote to Danica after her election and was flabbergasted when she wrote back less than 24 hours later. I might have cried a little bit.

Poll taxes are flat-out unconstitutional and there is no actual way to make them fly. Hell, that’s why voter ID laws are such bullshit - you shouldn’t have to pay to get ID for the sole purpose of voting.

This is the exact number of people who attended our wedding, my husband and bridal party included. My mind boggles.

*sigh* This happened like 3 miles from my house.

My step-dog* is basically a very cute, incredibly stupid marshmallow. Sometimes she forgets how stairs work. If she gets lost under the sheets she will not find her way out on her own. But she’s sweet and tiny, and she can totally make my day just by being adorable.

*Husband adopted her with his ex-wife.

“I’m giving Myra’s wedding a 4 out of 10. Everything was spectacular and perfect but I didn’t like the seasoning on the DIY taco bar.”

I goddamn love this show with all my heart and it is SO FUN to watch while I plan my own wedding.

I live in Virginia and we’re getting married in Pittsburgh because (a) Pittsburgh and (b) self-uniting ceremonies. It’s gonna be awesome.

I bought my dress on clearance from another store and it was about $700. Even at David’s it’s possible to find dresses in the high four figures. Plus customization, alterations, accessories...

Hangouts is my SMS client and if it ever goes away I will be heartbroken. I love being able to text and take calls from my computer. It makes it a LOT easier to text at work without getting caught.

Our theme is “we’re not eloping, are you happy now MOM????”

How do you say #masculinitysofragile in Hebrew?

Some years ago I used to direct people to free clinics as part of my job. A woman called one day looking for a free clinic in our metro area. After learning where she lived, I gave her the address for the clinic closest to her - and she immediately refused to go there, because “there were too many black people in that

The woman standing next to Melania in the lovely light blue (seriously, that color is TERRIFIC) has the best look on her face. Like, “I have to stand next to her??”

For the first time ever in my adult life I’m taking a solid week’s vacation this fall. Not only that, but I’m doing it twice. Although to be fair the second time is to get married so not so much of a vacation. But I’m really looking forward to spending a week on the beach with my phone off. And if my boss has a