brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I have an appointment next week to consult a gyno about getting an IUD, and I’m STOKED. I’ve been on a progestin-only pill for about a year and a half, and for the first six months I didn’t bleed or even spot. After that I would bleed more or less monthly for a while, then I would get a really light period for 3-4

Certified Fat Person and Certified Life Partner of Another Fat Person here.

Do you think you deserve a fucking cookie? You don’t.

He gave a talk at my school last summer and signed my book and it was the best day ever.

Raglan sleeves are not that hard.

I love listening to classical music before bed, and will usually put on a Pandora classical station. The problem is that right when I’m juuuust about to drift off on the wings of some lovely etude, an ad comes on, way too loud, and wakes me the fuck up. Ergo, I should definitely buy this album.

Read this with my phone at my elbow while my partner sits next to me on the couch playing bingo on his phone. *shrug*

I have no idea when me and the dude started farting around each other, but it must have been early on, because we are gross people with few boundaries (around each other). Plus we can always blame the dog, whose farts can be truly volcanic.

Me: Honey, I love you, but I’m leaving you to join the cat circus.
Him: Okay, have fun.

Unrelated: Demi Lovato bears a startling resemblance to my elementary school best friend’s mother.

She hasn’t gone to jail yet why?

OMG I remember when Million Dollar Baby and Millions were out at the same time. One is a kid’s movie, the other is decidedly not. That...was interesting.

I worked at a movie theater in like 2004, 2005. There was some movie that was made in a Southeast Asian country but was distributed in the US with Quentin Tarantino’s name attached (I have no idea what the title is). I can’t tell you how many people asked for a refund after the movie was over because it wasn’t an

NOOOOOOOOOOPE. I used to know some people who were homeless by choice. Every last one of them, without fail, smelled terrible.

I am so grateful my partner actively wants me to finish my MSW. We’re living on one income and paltry student loans right now. He just keeps telling me to graduate and get a job already so we can be middle class.

Nope. A few years ago I had a roommate who did a master’s in education, but said that the minute she got married she was getting pregnant and the minute she got pregnant she was quitting teaching forever.


When I was a student at UC Santa Cruz circa 2003-2004, one frat got in trouble for giving their members shirts that said “Freshman girls: get ‘em while they’re skinny.”

The same frat was later banned and defunded because some pledges killed, barbecued, and fed to other members some of the university’s beloved koi who

I helped my sister adopt a cat once when she was pregnant. He had some kind of skin issue from being outside all the time and the vet told us (ie me, the non-pregnant one) to give him a bath. This was 14 years ago and I still have the scars on my arms. The poor kitty hid inside a cabinet for a day and a night after

Me and the dude were at the zoo two weeks ago and one of the keepers was giving a talk about how they thought Mei was pregnant but there was no way to know for sure, because panda fetuses are just too small. This makes the news of the new cubs even more special for me. Yay pandas!

I keep trying to let it shrink by attrition and then I keep finding more things to watch. It’s a problem.

I have a DVD queue just north of 150 discs, and growing all the time. Partly this is because for many years my laptop only ran Linux, which is not compatible with streaming (although I do stream now). But mostly it’s because there are a lot of shows and older movies I want to watch that aren’t available any other way.