brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

The closest theater to me is a Regal. Guess I’m driving across town to spend half a paycheck at the movies next time.

I really want just a simple courthouse/city hall wedding. We can’t do that in our state. If we had a ceremony it would basically have to be done by a clergyperson, and not only are we different religions, neither of us practices. I know a couple humanist chaplains who could marry us, but that doesn’t really appeal to

I got a dollar per tooth (and nothing but horrifying emergency oral surgery for the ones that got knocked out in an accident), AND my mom always left my teeth in the windowsill in my bedroom instead of keeping them or throwing them out where I couldn’t find them. THANKS MOM.

Re: hair in food. I used to work at a pizza place. There were these two women who came in twice and tried to pull the same trick - they would eat almost all of the pizza and THEN complain about hair in the toppings. The first time the manager comped them. The second time, it was the same manager, and he said, “Isn’t

My sister got married when I was 20. She wouldn’t let me be in the wedding party (our other sister was her matron of honor), forced me to buy a “wedding day survival kit” that cost like $100, and cut me out of all of the family photos by sending me on an errand while they were being taken.

Then she threw a shit fit

I trim from time to time and sometimes I remember to shave, but I’m very bad at it. Mr. Brotherjo is smart enough not to state a preference but has asked me not to trim in the shower, which I think is a reasonable request. As for his pubes, as long as they’re clean, I don’t care. I would be uncomfortable if he shaved,

I’m 31 and a grad student. Things I am too old for:

-the general drama associated with being in college
-bad professors (I am NOT paying out of pocket for you to cancel class because it’s nice out, or for you to sit in the front of the room telling stupid stories instead of, y’know, teaching)
-anything school-related

The more of these things I read, the more I want to ask Mr. Brotherjo to elope.

Speaking as someone who once killed a pedestrian while driving (technically, while spinning out after being hit by a van), I can assure you, insurance companies (and police, and lawyers, and judges) always think it’s the driver’s fault.

I can’t wait until I’m not an intern anymore. I get academic credit, sure okay whatever, but I also have to spend 21 hours a week there and take four lecture classes, which makes it almost impossible to work enough to, like, eat. Unpaid internships should be illegal.

I guess if my mom wants to come to my bachelorette party she can, but only if she’s willing to tolerate A LOT of Scrabble and Oreos.

I’m 31 and have been using the internet since I was 10. I stopped using LOL around age 12. This news is pleasing to my cold black heart.

I’ve heard of body worship as a kink, but it’s not my thing, nor has it come up in any previous relationships (or my current one). My sweetie does love to touch my breasts at any opportune* moment, but it’s more of a comfort thing and inside joke than anything else.

I was more referring to Titslover McGee up there in

I hate it when men try to gaslight me into being a goddess or whatever. I am perfectly comfortable with my body but don’t feel the need to worship any particular parts of it, nor have anyone else worship it. But if I’m not giving off goddess energy (???) or dancing naked around a bonfire every night or having period

The other day it was like 95 degrees out and I was having an exceptionally heavy period. I had to spend time outside at the kind of event that required a dress (and anyway my shorts were all in the wash). My crotch was just soaking wet the whole fucking time. Couldn’t tell if it was sweat or blood or both, but it was

Sometimes I think I wouldn’t mind if me and the feller were very slightly open, like if I could go on occasional dates from time to time. But I knew when we got together that a previous attempt at nonmonogamy had gone horribly, and I value his feelings more than my ladyboner.

Dude, my boyfriend and I don’t even follow each other on Twitter, and we didn’t publicly comment on each other’s Facebook posts until we had been together a year. No one likes to see couples being mushy like that.

As a Certified Jewish Person, this kind of stuff makes it really hard to be Jewish around some types of Christians. I am not a toy for them to play savior with.

Couldn’t tell ya, that was my first visit in 3 years, and the rabbi was new (and is also I swear like 25).

I dunno, dude, I went to a Conservative Jewish synagogue yesterday morning and the rabbi gave a blessing to two men from the congregation who are marrying each other in the synagogue later today. Seems like at least some religious types can get on board with LGBTQIA+ folks being normal human beings.