brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

This is why I’ve been trying to talk Mr. Brotherjo into a cat now that we’re moving into a bigger apartment. All three of us (me, the mister, and Puppeh-jo) have been coping with anxiety and depression, and another bundle of cuddly fluff would most assuredly help with that.

Friend of mine had a kid-friendly wedding and hired a sitter for the reception. The sitter “forgot” the date and double-booked, so in order to come do her job she had to bring three other kids with her. So then my friend was on the hook for three complete strangers plus all the other little darlings running around.

A few years ago my sister treated me to really expensive tickets to a fancy sit-down show where the dress code was cocktail or better. This was high-class shit. The couple sitting next to me talked (quietly, but audibly) through every song, like they were listening to the radio instead of enjoying a rare opportunity

Except for those of us who aren’t allowed to check our phones at work or in class...

I’ve done it twice, both to people I had only seen a few times. In neither case did I value the relationship enough to put in the effort for a proper goodbye. Je ne regrette rien.

I have a friend who lives in California and is dangerously allergic to vaccines. Like, she legit almost died when she got her first round as an infant. So she’s never been vaccinated other than that. When she applied to grad school in the Bay Area, she had to provide proof of vaccinations or apply for an exemption.

In my experience, paid sites aren’t worth the money. I had nothing but bad experiences on JDate and Match. By contrast, I’ve had three long-term relationships come from OkCupid, and I’m very likely going to marry the one I’m with now.

The one girl I knew from high school who was the most conservative, the most anti-sex, the most anti-abortion, etc...was visibly pregnant at her wedding. I wonder how she squared that with god.

I ghosted someone once after three mediocre dates, and then THREE MONTHS LATER he wrote me this long horrifying screed ending with “I hope you get raped!”

So. Dodged a bullet there.

My dad says that traditionally Jewish couples aren’t considered engaged until each has given the other a gift bought from their own money. Usually it’s a ring and a watch. I have brought this up with Mr. Brotherjo before, because it’s pretty clear we’re gonna get married at some point in the next few years. However,

Good god, I’m wearing a loose light swingy dress today that goes to my knees and elbows and I REGRET IT SO MUCH. I HATE THAT I HAVE TO LOOK NICE IN PUBLIC. Damn internship.

*shrug* Possibly, but they didn’t complain to me or anyone else, and they tipped well. It was a little white lie that made things easier on everyone with no downside, so who cares?

I once had a table headed by a woman with a very thick Deep South accent and a few missing teeth. Try as I might I could not understand what she wanted to order. To avoid offense, I smiled brightly, explained to the whole table that I was a little hard of hearing, and asked if she wouldn’t mind writing down what she

I stayed friends with the one person I was in a serious relationship with before the current Mr. Brotherjo. We used to talk every few days, then every few weeks, now every few months. It’s fine. We still enjoy talking to each other occasionally about our common interests, but neither of us has ever once wanted to

Bearing in mind that I have no idea how much of this story is true or not, here’s something my grandfather told me a couple years ago.

Grandpa was once a pretty big deal in the aeronautical engineering industry in Northern California. He was friends with one of the writers of The Glass Inferno, which was later adapted

I wonder if the child is on the autism spectrum, or the co-op board is trying to suss that out, and ban the family because of perceptions about autistic children. At any rate, that’s the vibe I get from this whole discussion about “behavior.”

I can’t take Tylenol at all ever at risk of liver failure (which isn’t guaranteed with any given pill but becomes more and more likely every time I take a dose), which also means I can’t take most narcotics of the type often prescribed after surgery. I miss Vicodin so, so much. Tramadol just isn’t the same.

Current, unfortunately.

I can’t wait until I move out of this asshat’s district.

Laverne Cox and I are the same age, and it’s almost infuriating how she will always be more successful, beautiful, and amazing than I am.