brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Smitten Kitchen has a kick-ass recipe for penne a la vodka, modified from Rachael Ray. It has the unfortunate name of "You won't be single for long penne" or something similar. I made this the first time I cooked for the current Mr. Brotherjo, but tried to hide the name because (a) we had been dating for like 2 weeks

Funny thing, I'm gonna start training as an expo soon...

Most of our hosts are evil, but I think I can find one.

I would like to get revenge on a fellow server, personally. Yesterday she came barreling around a corner without looking where she was going or yelling "corner!" and crashed into the full tray of piping hot coffee I was taking out to a table that was already mad at me. I burned the hell out of my hand, cursed very

The last guy dumped me by email. He said after 2 months he just didn't have any feelings for me. Three months to the day after our first date. I maintain he was in love with his roommate.

I was dumped once for being "too ambitious."

Finally, I was once broken up with by my then-FWB's new girlfriend. He didn't have the

Other way around, actually. My parents are bilingual in Hebrew and English so I know a fair bit of Hebrew. Sadly the bad words I know are mostly racial slurs I can't repeat (my experiences in Israel have taught me that Israelis actually tend to curse in English). Thanks, racist dad!

My grandfather is a retired engineer. Many years ago when he taught at the Technion in Israel, he grew frustrated with his inability to make perfectly round pancakes and had his grad students make him cast iron rings that are circular to within some absurd tolerance. They really do taste better that way. The rings are

Fine, she doesn't eat non-starchy vegetables.

I once masturbated in a hot tub. The hot tub was in a hotel. The hotel was the site of a conference. I was one of the people running the conference. Mere seconds after I finished the wife of a very important attendee hopped in the hot tub with me. I was all o.O

Last year on Christmas Eve Eve (which is also my mom's birthday) I drove 100 miles in the pouring rain to have sex with the guy I was seeing, knowing I'd have to leave at 9 the next morning to work. About 10 miles from my exit, the battery on my phone died, so no more GPS. I knew enough to get off at the right street,

From what I can tell, grilled cheese and french fries.

Our Idiot Host is also sometimes an Idiot Expo. She screams her fool head off at the runners and servers but won't talk to the line cooks at more than a whisper, so they never hear her, so nothing ever gets fixed until the servers butt in, at which point she gets furious and stomps off the line.

She also hasn't eaten

A transmale friend of mine was murdered in June. He was found in his home. To my knowledge his killer was never found, nor was a motive discovered. My sincerest wish for him is that he was murdered during a robbery, not because he was trans. I guess we'll never know.

My major dealbreakers:

My tables are generally not cropdust-worthy. My coworkers, on the other hand...

I got mad at yesterday's cohort and basically did everything I could to ruin their days, including stealing every single clean coffee cup (and all the coffee), 75% of the water goblets, and all the cut lemons. Then I farted as much as

Logically, since I refuse to discuss the current Mr. Brotherjo on Facebook, we'll be happy together forever. Perfect. Thanks, Science!

I don't care how awful it is, I will watch every godsdamn second of this show.

Hi. I'm a woman on the internet who's turned men down for dates. I have gotten many emails and texts with content similar to the last line of that email. I find it perfectly believable. Unfortunately.

A few weeks ago I had a lady take one bite of a sandwich and say she didn't like it. "There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't care for the taste." We made her a new sandwich (which she also didn't really care for, but she ate it), and her sandwich was totally free. I'm glad she tipped pre-discount.

Makes sense to me, as I am one of the lucky few with both diagnoses (along with dysthymia [chronic low-grade depression] and anxiety). PTSD, depression, and anxiety all speak to a lack of control over one's own circumstances, and one thing I *can* control is how much I eat, sooooo.