brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I am 100000% inviting RBG to my wedding. Hell, she can officiate. Sotomayor, Kagen, and O'Connor can be bridesmaids.

Virginia is THE WORST. Employees have no rights, basically.

In Virginia, employers are not legally required to provide breaks (even unpaid ones) to any employee over age 15. I've been working in restaurants for the past few years and typically we're not allowed to sit down, take breaks, or eat on shift. That's pretty rough when you're moving constantly for 6, 8, 10, or more

I started trying to count the number of reasons this guy wouldn't message me but after like 20 I got sad and ate bacon until I was happy again.

When I was 20 or so I worked at a movie theater as a ticket-taker and concessions cashier. In neither position was I allowed to sit down, ever. One day after a class I fell and wound up with a severely sprained ankle. A doctor gave me a note forbidding me from standing up at work for a month. My manager's response

I don't need feminism because growing up listening to my dad tell my mother she was completely worthless really showed me that I should never try to be anything more than a mattress for whatever man is stupid enough to love me. I mean. Obviously.


I don't give a shit about coffee, but I goddamn love her hijab.

I'm training to become a social worker. Contrary to popular opinion, my number one goal in life is NOT to take people's kids away. For one thing, I do not intend to work in child welfare, ever. For another thing, if I did work in child welfare, I would be instructed to do everything possible to keep children in their

Saturday was my last night at the really shitty comedy club in town. During the first show, I took 30 seconds too long to get to a table and one of the bitches there demanded a manager. That table ended up getting transferred to the FOH manager, who had the section next to mine. He told me they wouldn't order food

Please don't call it San Fran. San Francisco or SF will do nicely. Thank you.

I had a roommate who did that, so I figured out which circuit breaker went to his room and I flipped it every time he came home. He never understood why *only* the lights in his room didn't work.

Okay so the short version of the story is I had an older dude friend who was recently divorced and had an ancient, incontinent, intact bulldog. I needed cheaper rent, he needed not to be evicted, so we agreed I'd take his second bedroom. Couple weeks after I moved in, he got a job and was sent across the country for

I'm studying medical social work in Virginia (not getting any more specific than that, thanks). The story I told above relates to my actual therapy, not coursework.

I'm currently taking a break from group therapy. The model my school's clinic uses involves post-processing, wherein the two group leaders spend about 10-15 minutes after the session ends discussing the progress of everyone in the group. We can stay and listen if we want to, but if we do we have to be totally silent.

I want whatever set up will result in me being able to pay my rent.

If you can't tip at least 20%, stay home please.

I would never be a server if I got a flat hourly, because undoubtedly it would be like $8 or $9 an hour and I can make more shuffling papers in an office. The last decent restaurant I served at, I could make $20+/hour without even trying. Totally worth it. I'm in college and work weird hours; I couldn't make that kind

Currently I work at a really shitty comedy club where I take home maybe like 11% on a good night. There's an automatic grat of 15% added on to every check, but people very rarely tip over and most of my sales are alcohol, which makes the tipouts to the bar obscene. I hate it, and I was thrilled to give my notice on

This happened to my sister:

Shortly after she got engaged to a gigantic hulk of a championship swimmer, she got pulled over for a busted taillight. The cop offered to tear up the ticket if she went out to dinner with him. She said, "Hmmm, I don't know, let me talk to my fiance about that." He persisted. "I'm pretty