brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Earlier this year I worked very briefly at an indoor trampoline park. Tickets were sold for a certain block of time, with start times every 30 minutes. If a 30-minute block sold out, too bad so sad, wait for the next one. Every piece of literature, every ad, every page on the website, and every employee told the

Well, obviously.

I habitually wear a plain band on my left ring finger when I wait tables. It just makes my life easier. I don't get harassed often on account of being an ugly fatty often incorrectly pegged as a lesbian, but when I do it gets nasty.

A long time ago a friend of mine was a pedi-cab driver. She's a very attractive woman.

I worked at a movie theater as a young'un and being Jewish with no family I got to work on Christmas (yay). We weren't allowed to take tips. One lady bought her popcorn and gave me $5 for "working on Jesus's birthday." I looked her right in the eye while I shoved the bill in my bra and said "Lady, he ain't my god."

*sigh* Every time I start to get a little proud of my adopted state...

About a year ago I got a string of wrong-number calls and texts clearly directed toward someone engaged in illegal doings. They came from several different phone numbers so I can only assume some dumbass dealer was too stupid to get his own phone number right. One number in particular called me every day at the same

Most of the time I love my adopted city. not one of those days.

I remain convinced that bears are people in bear suits.

I don't have many hero dog stories, but I was definitely nursed back to health by my sister's cat after abdominal surgery a few years ago. Maybe it was all the extra heat I was producing but he did not leave my side for like 3 days. Unfortunately he also tried to sleep on my sutures, and he topped out at about 19

My mom is white and my dad is Middle Eastern. They are both incredibly racist. I don't understand how you can commit your life to someone of a completely different ethnic group/culture/whatever and still hate people who don't look like you.

It was judged my fault by technicality. The turn was not illegal. She was speeding up a hill and was basically impossible to see until she crashed into my rear passenger wheel.

As far as I know the person/people she hit were not badly injured. She did have to go to court and will have to pay a fine and go to driving school but that's it.

Nope. The accident was technically my fault (got hit from the right while turning left; she would have to have been drunk to be even partially at fault) and I was severely traumatized. I just needed it all to end once and for all.

I was sued by the person who hit me, who was almost certainly speeding, who lied to the cops about how fast she was driving, who got away with it scot-free, who got a new car thanks to my insurance company, who was told to do physical therapy after the accident and refused, and who because of her own refusal to follow

Confession time: a few months ago a friend of mine totalled her car because she looked at her phone while on the freeway and the act of putting it down distracted her enough that she swerved out of her lane and hit someone else. She was hospitalized for 24 hours and is still recovering from her (mild to moderate)

First night I worked at a movie theater one of the ushers had to clean poo from one of the auditorium entryways. Whoever it was couldn't walk a whole 20 feet to the bathroom. I refused to ever be an usher after that.

Also one time I puked several times at the grocery store because I had a really really bad norovirus. I

I once dated a guy who was into that. He said it was a humiliation thing. I am a kinky ladyperson but that was a bridge too far, especially because I have no medical training whatsoever and did not want to give him a staph infection in his nads.

I dislike most bugs and am phobic of the rest. And yet I feel really bad for this little feller and want to scoop him up on a piece of paper and set him to rights in a planter far far away from my apartment.

I get the full panel every year or every new sex partner. The only place that's tested me for HSV-1 or HSV-2 by default was Planned Parenthood. So if you're concerned, maybe go there.

Ayep. I have HSV-1, have since I was a little kid. Most people get it in childhood and either show no symptoms or only have minor outbreaks. I don't get cold sores often but when I do I can feel the outbreaks coming on days in advance, and then I just don't kiss anyone for a few weeks. It's not that hard to avoid