brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Actually, there's been interesting work done with tattoos that give real-time medical information, such as blood glucose levels. But I wouldn't want that data stored anywhere online.

I get this a lot. My mother is Eastern European, my father is Persian and Syrian. My first name is Hebrew (it's not from the Bible and it's very rare, even in Israel) and my last name is Persian. Strangers loooove to ask me, "So what ARE you?"

In a class earlier this year we did an icebreaker where we had to explain

Oh man, this is very timely for me. I've *just* started seeing this amazing person who fills my days with light and sunshine and big dumb grins. We live two hours apart so we mostly communicate by texting. Today the normal torrent of texts slowed down dramatically and, I dunno, I was bored and a little stressed about

I stopped celebrating Thanksgiving after I was in a fatal (to someone else) car accident 7 years ago, so...

I've been doing that since the bad old days of AOL chat rooms. Whatever, yo.

Wasn't this a scene from Catch-22?

Gah, who's cutting onions in here?

The site is now throwing a 403 Forbidden error. :-(

I had a supervisor for three years who I'll call Jen. That's her real name but neither of us works there anymore so fuck it.

I once knew someone who was in state prison for about 2 years and got a bill when they paroled him. Then the IRS went after him for back taxes because, y'know, he couldn't file for 2 years. And it's like...he can't get a job because he's a felon. So the money comes from where?

If we are, we need to get really really drunk together sometime.

My middle sister got married when I was 20 and she was 26. At the time I was in school in California. Her wedding was in New Jersey. My sister made the decision early on not to have me in her bridal party (our other sister was matron of honor) because I was too far away to be useful. She then had me put together a

My children will be named according to my values: Be-Nice-To-Everyone, Brush-Your-Teeth-A-Lot, and Dont-Pull-The-Plug.

I didn't expect anything else, but I hoped for it.

They all look exactly the same. This is moderately terrifying.

Their foster dad will never have trouble getting laid for the rest of his life.

Not sure if sad or relieved that the gif is broken for me.

I had a kitty in college who died because he ate a poisoned mouse. Still makes me sad, 10 years later.

Oh good, this will make it even easier for my lazy incompetent mailman to skip half his route because he just isn't in the mood today.

On a more serious note, this could pose major problems for people with limited mobility.

I switched to the minipill and haven't had shark week in months and if there's a kind and decent Goddess I won't again for a long, long time. Interestingly, I have yet to grow a penis. I suppose time will tell.