brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

It doesn't bother me that she took her top off in public.

Unless it was a form of sex play for her and her companion.

My middle sister, who is very wealthy, got married when I was 20. I was not in her wedding party. She forced me to buy her a "wedding day emergency kit" which cost well over $100, when my total income as a student/part-time popcorn slinger was about $750 a month. It was not touched before or during the wedding even

Somewhat related:

About 5 years ago I went to a book-trading thing that turned out to be a singles mixer. I left a book and a guy named "Joe" picked it up. Joe emailed me, he seemed harmless, I wrote back. After a while we became Facebook friends and I realized he was born the same year as my mom, so I ignored him and

"...should are government attempt..."

I had to stop reading right there. Someone needs to fire their copy editor. Or hire one to begin with.

I used to go to a Scrabble group. One of the organizers was a jerkoff who was about to get married for the second time. He has kids from a previous marriage. I'm not sure if she had any kids. Someone asked him if they were going to try for more babies. He said, "She's going to have my kids whether she wants to or not."

I vaguely remember playing a card game that was supposed to be analogous to HIV transmission and the end result was that one person out of the 30 in the class had a torn glove so we all caught AIDS and died. I think they were trying to tell us that if you ever have sex with anyone who's ever had sex with anyone else

He's not a bad person for having a low online profile, and I didn't mean to imply that. He just generally gave off vibes of "you will never know the actual person who inhabits this human suit" and that gets tired real fast.

A while ago I casually dated a guy who was virtually unsearchable online. I couldn't google his name (entirely too common) and his email address returned zero hits. It was a good reflection of his personality - he's almost completely closed off from everyone else in his life. Introvert? Hiding something? I suspect

There's a person I've met a couple times who I'm crushing on. I looked him up on facebook to confirm a compatible sexual identity and relationship status, and discovered we have a very unexpected friend in common. This will be useful the next time we meet IRL.

And all the characters would be conventionally attractive even though many of them are explicitly described as not so.

Every time I re-read the Mars trilogy I dream of turning it into an HBO series. It'll never happen, but damn I'd watch the shit out of it if it did.

Funding got cut, I guess? That sucks.

Contact your local health department, free clinic, or university student health center.

By a strange coincidence this was my book club's latest choice. Tomorrow night's discussion should be interesting.

Actually, in my state, an employer of my size is not even required to provide a lunch break.

In about a year I'll be gone and back in school, where my whore pills will be free, as God intended.

When my dad took that generic whatever, he swelled up like a balloon. Does that help?

With my luck the plan will be grandfathered or the insurer will jack up rates until our org (which is a nonprofit) will be forced to give up the benefit altogether. I'll just wait to get the revised benefits list from the insurer. Their customer service is, from what I can tell, staffed by an ADHD chihuahua.

Not so. My dad is allergic to a generic brand of one of his meds, but not allergic to the brand-name. It pisses him off because it's an expensive pill, but he can't take the generics period. A few years ago the pharmacy I went to switched manufacturers of a generic I take, and I became ill from the new pills. Old

There is not a generic NuvaRing, and according to my gyno, there probably will never be. The technology required to manufacture them is too expensive.