brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

My plan year renews in October. Two more months!

I had a cyst surgically removed from just under my dominant thumb a little over a year ago. I could still type with my other fingers but not easily. The annoying part was not being able to lift anything over 5 pounds for weeks. My cast iron skillet is at least 6.

My last name is way, way, way too awesome to lose (and no I won't share it because it's also way, way, way uncommon). If I end up having kids with a partner we'll have to fight over their last name. I want to pass this bitch on and both my sisters changed their names, the pansies.

One of mine is Eric Cantor.

Have you ever shot a rifle? That shit is HARD, even without the added distraction of noise and lights and a kicky baby. Not that I'm an Olympic-level marksman but I do not think I could shoot successfully that far pregnant.

Even losing 5% of your body weight can reduce your risk of developing obesity-related illnesses, or make any illnesses you already have more manageable. Yes, 5-10% isn't a lot, but given how hard it is for some people to lose even 1 of 300 pounds, it's a terrific start.

These puppies almost make me wish I didn't hate English bulldogs so much. Stupid awful roommate experiences.

Surprised Virginia's esteemed attorney general Kenny The Cooch isn't all up in this business. Then again, that probably means he's just planning something more sinister.

This was a slightly big deal in Richmond, in certain circles anyway. Which just shows how back-assward this city can be sometimes I guess...

Hard to say. I'm definitely planning to reread before the movie. It's a short and fast read and totally worth it even if the movie sucks.

I read this book a few years ago and absolutely loved it. If the movie doesn't hold up I will be sorely disappointed. I have some doubts about Pattinson's ability to pull it off but I hope I'm wrong.

I think this guy would be better served in an in-patient mental health facility than prison. It's a shame he probably won't get the treatment he needs in prison.

After the first Twilight movie but before the second. Somehow no one ever found out about it. Quite possibly she made it all up but that's not typical for her.

Huh. Several years ago a college friend of mine was hooking up with Jackson Rathbone quite a lot. She was homeless at the time and he comes from a super duper wealthy family so I was trying to talk her into marrying him for the security. Didn't work out. Oh well.

It's so hard for me to be sad about this. I don't have the fanciest laptop in the world but it works very well 99% of the time...except when I try to run Thunderbird. This has been true for the last 2 or 3 computers I've owned. It's just easier for me to use gmail online or on my phone than deal with T-bird crashing

My ex, on more than one occasion: I can't help being an asshole. I'm broken.

SEE? SEE? This is why slutty = good.

A therapist once told me four months.

It's gotten me through many a breakup. Cheaper than booze and only slightly less terrible for you.

To be fair, Ben and Jerry's is expensive these days...