brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

In the past six months two friends of mine have delivered late. In 20 years I'll be proud to say I knew them when. Way back when.

The Nutella thing made me cry. So much wasted Nutella...

I just checked with a friend of mine who deleted his facebook account yesterday and my phone still has his facebook address as his primary email. It also still gives me the option to post on his wall. I guess the address book doesn't update itself very often? I have a Lumia 710 (windows phone) if it matters.

I want to go to there.

I wish there was a way to heart people again.

I have this horrible feeling my evil sister will open it in front of everyone and scold me. Of course by the time the first course clears I plan to invent some kind of excuse that will require my immediately retirement to the nearest art museum, so.

I have just been informed that if I am to attend my ridiculously wealthy cousin's bridal shower (which will, I'm sure, be only one of a trillion), I have to bring her a gift.

It goes into effect August 1, but doesn't apply to you until your policy renews on or after that date.

In kindergarten (circa 1989-1990) kids in my class were telling me I'd be prettier if I wasn't fat. By third grade I also had glasses and it was clear I had a brain, so it was this hopeless trifecta of never not being bullied. When I was 10 I overheard my mom explaining to my grandmother that I couldn't officially go

I don't have any level of government expertise. I can only speak to what I know, which is restricted vs. non-restricted funding in nonprofits. For further questions please consult someone who knows how that sort of thing works.

It does in my state. Can't speak for anyone else's.

Not necessarily. In the nonprofit world, designated funds can only be used for whatever they were designated to. (If you give me $20 to save all the kitties, I can't use it to save all the otters.) We track it carefully with accounting software, and we get audited yearly, so if any funds are misappropriated, we'll

I have diabetes and a constellation of other somewhat related illnesses. The cost for me to have minimal baseline health, between the drugs, the supplies, the gym membership, and the healthy eating, is more than my poor (but well-insured) ass can bear. I'm pretty excited about this.

I'm currently on BC but I want an IUD. As soon as my policy renews in October I'm getting it!

By multiples of 2 you mean powers of 2? I'm impressed. After 2048 I get lost a little.

My mom, in an unhappy marriage herself, pushed me into academia rather than partnerships. Smart of her I guess. But now that I'm finally ready to find the person I want to wake up next to, they're all waking up next to other people. :-/

I don't think so? I just tested by accepting your comment before typing anything, and it says Comment accepted. It flashed Please enter text for a second but went away.

I have few straight girlfriends. So I found a movie group on meetup. Last I checked about 20 of us are going together Sunday morning. YES.

"I want to build community housing for my neighborhood and we'll all live in a commune and work together to improve our community. Also, I'm going to live there completely alone."

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