brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Or my personal favorite, Y Tu Mama Tambien.

Totally not an equal comparison, but when I'm getting a shot at the dentist - which hurts like nothing else I've ever done in my history of painful injuries and operations - I get through it by counting my breaths. Anything else increases my anxiety and lowers my pain threshold. Also, anxiety makes my heart beat

I could have told them that without bothering rats. The last time I was out of work - a stressful situation for a hand-to-mouth-er such as myself - I became suicidally depressed. Other stressful events that trigger depressive episodes: surgery, bad breakups, car accidents, natural disasters, applying to grad school.

The rape of Dinah was always my favorite part.

Some people are very much into gender-bending. One reason I loved going to Rocky Horror in college was to see Very Manly Men in makeup and tights.

Thank you. The face looked so familiar but I'm sometimes bad with names.

Wasn't Heather Tom on The Nanny?

Oh, that brings me back. Remember when Sami got involved with that hot foreign guy who was killed off pretty quick? This is circa 1997. Anyway once a couple years after that my sister and I were at Universal Studios and so was he! We totally stalked him until he waved at us from about 30 feet away and then probably

Allie Brosch (sic?) can do no wrong. Best meme ever.

Or even just a couple really basic sociology/cultural anthropology classes...

That sounds like the best possible solution, to be honest.

I can't even imagine living to 200 years old. I wonder how tortoise brains work and how they store that many memories.

I once read a correction in a small-town paper along the lines of "We apologize for referring to Tea Party members as Teabaggers. We did not realize this is also a sex act."

I love feeding strawberries to my sister's tortoise. The carnage! My god the carnage! It's a sight to behold.


I am so glad I haven't had a pee accident since I was little. Not being much of a drinker helps.

I've never seen Community but it's in my Netflix queue. Looking forward to it more than ever now. :-)

For me, the least awkward approach is to ask a question that specifically references something in their profile.

WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. But not over dinner.

I tried to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool but it fell through. There's going to be one in Orange, VA in September/October that I'll go to, and another very small one outside Richmond next April. My dream is to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool, Stitches East (or West), or all of the above.