brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

My sister came over tonight and brought four important things: gladioli from her garden (my favorite flower!), Chinese food, chocolate cake, and Bridesmaids. We had a really good chat about life and stuff, and I ran some things I've been thinking about re: my future past her, and she thinks they're really smart. That

This is what I've heard. I've never witnessed it.

There are several families of geese that hang out near my office. I love when the goslings come to play. Not so much when they turn older. Geese are jerks. Ducks, however, are never not cute. Except for the whole duck rape thing.

I had to do a few tech-y things in middle school. I remember learning how to use a drill and how to read blueprints. I also developed a deep and abiding love for power sanders in that class.

I have art on my upper arm and in a visible place on my back. If I didn't want to talk about them publicly I would put them in places no one could see. Just sayin.

Snerk. Yes. Good work.

I wish there was a secret trick to relax the yarn. It would make it so much easier to slide the knots apart.

There are few things more irritating than trying to untangle 420 meters of yarn. This has taken me about 5 hours and I'm maybe half done. I'd give up but I need it for a project and it's *very* expensive. Grr.

I don't think that was available back then. Although I did turn someone down a while back because they "strongly preferred to date someone of their own race." I just can't with that.

Apparently yes! Boyfriend broke up with me last night. I'm trying to be sad about it and failing. I was going to break up with him anyway but he got to it first. Whatever. He was not a good match. And it turned out my sister hated him.

OH RIGHT. I liked it! I don't know what you're talking about.

I've driven past Rockview many times on the way to visit my sister in State College. Fond memories of the creepy stories we'd make up about it...

Watch Beaches or Rent. Or listen to Someone Like You. Those give me the heaving sobs every time.

Oh I'm so boring with this stuff. Sweet Caroline FTW.

Now I'm curious as to what we were talking about. Link please?

Which apparently I've already forgotten, so we're cool.

I do mean the original. Please don't hurt me. It's just the internet is so much more interesting.

I remember watching the entire run on Netflix a few years ago. I watched the finale twice in a row without stopping and I cried until I was dehydrated. Damn good show.

Last time I got almost none. Except for getting hit on by creepers old enough to be my dad. This is a welcome change.

I'm trying to lean more on veggies than grains. Joining a CSA helped. But damn I love rice a little too much.