brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Skrillex looks enough like one of my ex-boyfriends that I do a double-take every time I see his picture. They're probably not the same person but just in case I refuse to listen to any of Skrillex's work.

Once when I was a kid a raccoon gave birth in my garage. Mom wouldn't let me go near them but she said the kits were adorable.

Doesn't that hurt? I can only take about 10 minutes of jackhammering before my entire lower body goes NO and refuses to function.

My mom's birthday is December 23rd. My dad's birthday is March 29th. Before the advent of Google calendar, when I was too lazy and dumb to keep a wall calendar, I was heavily dependent on my sisters and mom to remind me of things. Well, one sunny day I suddenly remembered it was my dad's birthday and I called him to

By the time I notice, it's too late. I can only feel the glob of tissue that comes right after the tampon gives up the ghost. I've soaked through three in the last two days. *sigh*

You're fine. That was a perfectly appropriate message and a fine medium to use. I wouldn't expect any kind of response any time soon. He has too much else going on. I'm sure he appreciated the message and the sentiment.

Someday I will become rich and famous by inventing an early-warning system for full tampons.

I was too busy being confused to laugh.

Your dad sounds like mine. Once when I was 14, the bottom floor of our house flooded because of a busted hose in the washing machine. I was the only one home at the time so I got blamed. Because I deliberately shredded the hose apparently? I never figured that one out but I got yelled at for several hours over it.

I just watched the series for the first time a few months ago. I watched The Body twice in a row without stopping and cried until I was dehydrated. It's one of the very few episodes I could watch again and again and again. It's just such amazing television.

My parents are about to hit their 40th, even though my dad is a controlling, emotionally abusive asshole. She left him once that I know of (my sisters and I think this one time that my dad took a 6-week assignment in a far-off state was a trial separation but they won't talk about it) and has threatened to more than

A semester at community college and a grad school application.

That depends how you define real. I took a week off work around the same time last summer, and part of that week involved a road trip that was kinda fun, but this is my first vacation (a) travelling completely alone and (b) not counting pennies every step of the way. So for me it's my first real grown-up vacation.

I'm reading a book about math, because I'm a nerd and my friends are awesome enough to give me math books for my birthday.

Wow, I just bought plane tickets for my first real just-me vacation ever. My best friend from college is getting married in August, and since she lives a reasonable drive from some of my family, I'm taking a whole week to spend time with everyone. Unfortunately I have to catch a 6am flight, and getting home requires a

I've been on generic ortho tri cylcen since February. In the first cycle I gained 15 pounds of belly fat, my boobs got huge, and I retained a ton of water in my ankles, to the point where it hurt to walk. Once my period started I peed out the extra water. Within a couple months my boobs went back to normal (sadface)

Those mind is blown.

Yeah...I eat them straight from the fridge. I have a feeling I'll owe my sister a 16 pack by the time I leave Monday.

We should go jogging together, or take classes at the Y. If you're not a member, joining is super-cheap (be sure to talk to them about the income-based sliding scale) and there are approximately 8 hojillion options. You can do it! Every little bit counts.

I would wear those. And I have paid more for sock yarn with which to make socks - $20/pair or more.