brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

One thing I love about housesitting for my sister is getting to overindulge in two things I don't have at home: cable and single-serve cheese slices.

Wow, that's quite a rabbi! Sadly marriage equality has not yet been reached in my state, but I hope if we ever get there my rabbi will be first in line to help.

One of these days I'm going to do clinic defense at my local abortion clinic. But I think it's only open Saturday mornings (or at least that's the only time I see protesters) and at the moment I have too much other stuff going on at exact the same time.

I grew up very nearly orthodox, but I stopped practicing as a teen. I went back about 6 months ago on my own (I just turned 28). I deliberately chose a conservative synagogue because it feels right to me. No offense to my Reform friends but it's just not my thing.

I'm Jewish and I go to a fairly conservative synagogue almost every Saturday.

It is addictive! I forgot how much. Kind of glad I don't have any more ideas at the moment.

Oh damn, Sharia Law wins.

Is this sort of like your drag queen name? Because I'd like to be either Callie Ente or The Infidelle.

Step 1: Stay away from people you actually care about. Don't burn bridges just because you hate the world.

Good grief it looks like he got you with ice picks! Hope it doesn't hurt too bad and you heal up fast.

Oh wow, that's gorgeous! I have a gladiolus blossom on my upper arm already; this one is my second and probably last. Although this particular shop made the whole thing so painless, easy, inexpensive (but not suspiciously so), and friendly, that I might have to rethink that.

I got a new tattoo! I can't take a picture of it without hurting something - it's surprisingly hard to photograph your own shoulder blade - but rest assured, it is geeky and awesome. I got Euler's Identity ([]) in a light pretty script. Only took about 10 minutes and it was almost completely painless.

I know where Rockbridge is! I was in Staunton not too long ago for a conference. (Not being from Virginia it's still amazing to me when I know where things are.)

We should be friends! Even though I'm in a fairly populated area, I have trouble making friends that stick. But I figure anyone cool enough to hang out on Jezebel is cool enough for me.

This is probably the only reason I'm glad I just turned 28. I didn't waste the best years of my life with the wrong people making the worst decisions ever...I'm just destressing.

Okokok I'll watch it again and see if I can pick out something else, ok? I was really turned off by the writers' acting like Africa is one country.

I am now going to start using schooner as a euphemism for vagina.

The only thing I liked about that movie was Amanda Seyfried. She's so good at pleasantly vacuous.

If I can have one of those absurdly large turkey legs, I'm there!

I wonder if this was written on a typewriter. The use of lower case seems to indicate where one would normally use italics, which don't really exist on a typewriter.