brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Not because his nose is so big, but because of the stereotype turned onto its head. Because when you grow up hearing the same awful thing over and over from inside your community and out, it's funny to see that thing smashed to bits.

The biggest nose I've ever seen belongs to the Gentile caretaker of my synagogue. I admit I giggled to myself a little when I saw him for the first time.

Concur. My mom is Jewish all the way back and her entire family has red or strawberry blonde hair. My dad is half-Persian, half-Syrian, and can trace the Persian part of him back to the destruction of the Second Temple. We can't get no more Jewisher. But none of us have big noses.

As a Jewish woman, please for the love of god don't. We are people, not fetishes. Men who tell me they like me because I'm Jewish and not for any of my actual character traits get a swift slap in the face and a lifetime of ridicule.

I recently decided I need a pearl ring and I spent most of today looking at the selection on Amazon and sighing. Never even occurred to me to check Etsy. This will be bad for my bottom line, I just know it.

Thank you!

What does the H stand for? That's a new one for me.

You'd know better than I would - I'm just thinking about my childhood friend and the Hasidic families I used to babysit for, who seemed to be very close to their in-laws.

There's also a lot more family support in the Orthodox community than in the secular world. A lot of Orthodox/Hasidic women I knew growing up talked about marrying a family rather than marrying one specific person. It makes a huge difference.

*shrug* Sometimes it works. My oldest sister was 21 at her wedding and she has the strongest marriage of anyone I've ever known.

My boyfriend is distantly related to the Cyruses, a source of great amusement for the both of us.

I tend to get angry when I'm depressed. Working out to the point of sweating helps me work out some of that anger. BUT. If I get to the gym and there's no parking and no machines open and everyone around me is talking...then I just get angrier and it doesn't work out so well.

My mom has said more than once she wished she stopped after her first. There are three of us. I'm the youngest. Love you too, mommy!

I heard this story on NPR on the way home. Way to destroy my faith in humanity, international politics.

Snoop was a bad character, no lie. It's just...I dunno. There was something unbearably sad about that scene.

I require the alarm clock side of the bed, else Boyfriend will turn it off and sleep until 1pm when I need to work at 8am and him at 10am.

When I first started sleepovers with my guy I couldn't fall asleep with him in the bed. Then he started playing classical music for me on his tablet until I fell asleep. Bam, instant conditioning. Now it's hard for me to fall asleep when he's not around, which sucks because we're only together 2-3 times a week.

"How my hair look, Mike?"

The last time I tried making kale chips I screwed up somehow. Couldn't tell you why. Definitely plan to try again. I might also try to make chard chips. For the life of me I can't like the stuff but I keep getting it in my farm share, so.

I have to be careful with nuts - I will eat them by the cupful if I have the opportunity. Chickpeas are somewhat self-limiting.