brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Yeah, the recipe I'm using makes a cheese somewhere in the neighborhood of paneer, or farmer cheese, or queso fresco. It's basically milk + buttermilk + heat + pressure + time.

Oooh, bookmarked! Thank you thank you!

Butter is crazy easy. Just whip cream. A LOT. Alternatively: put cream into a jar. Engage a couple 5-year-olds to shake it for you, a lot.

Ooooh that looks crazy good. I'm adding ricotta to my to-try list.

I have had a hankering to make my own cheese for a while (I can already do yogurt and bread pretty well). A few months ago I picked up Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything, and randomly flipped to his section dairy, and learned how easy it is to make soft cheese at home.

Oooh, I hope it does catch on. That'd make my friend's life much easier.

People: much nicer about these things than banks.

I have a college friend named Jason Biggs who is, oddly enough, Nepali. It's hard for me to hear stories about the actor Jason Biggs without thinking of my friend. My Jason is a much cooler dude. And not racist.

Posted below that I have all of the feelings. Add about 10 more. I applied for a personal loan through [] (think crowd-sourced lending) to pay for a Very Important Trip. I wasn't expecting it to get funded because even though my credit has vastly improved over the past few years, it ain't great. But not 4

Happy, charismatic, outspoken, outgoing. I'm an outgoing introvert, so...sort of? I am pretty happy with my life in general though so there's that.

When I'm on the treadmill and the people around me talk on the phone/sing/grunt/are generally rude, I fart all over the damn place. Sometimes I'll even "accidentally" crash into their phone arm. But then again I'm a jerk and I don't like to be social at the gym.

MEE TOO. Especially because I just applied for a loan to help pay for a Very Important Trip later this summer (who has two thumbs and no credit card? This girl!) and obviously a job is very important to loan people.

Only if you do it right. And most people don't.

So yesterday at work I found out that about a month ago I accidentally misallocated about $15,000 (to be fair, no laws or contracts were broken). I freely admit that this was my mistake and mine alone. I thought I was going to be fired, or at the very least given a letter of reprimand. Today I wasn't fired, and it

For inheritance? Because the federal benefits to being married mean it's significantly easier and cheaper to live as a married person than as a single person? For insurance?

I drive a Kia Spectra. Four-banger, fairly small (14.5-gallon tank). It's slightly larger than my last car, which I regret a little bit. If I could afford one, I'd buy a Smart Car. I don't need anything big.

So if every person in the plural marriage kept a separate domicile, it'd be legit? That sounds like a terrible way to keep a family together. I can't believe I'm about to say this but...won't someone think of the children?

My sister wants a wife to do all the chores and the kid-raising so she can run her business. But the wife isn't allowed to have sex with either my sister or brother-in-law so that seems like kind of a crappy deal.

I would really, really have to rethink my personal choices regarding relationship structure...

I wish I had the time and energy to make my hair look half so pretty as anyone in that picture.