brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I've seen a few episodes, and they come across as parents who absolutely love their kids and want them to grow up stable and happy. One episode I saw featured a family trip and it didn't seem any different from my sister and I trying to wrangle her three young'uns out in the world, except there were more of them and

It's down at least 20 cents in the last couple weeks where I am. For once it cost me less than $45 to fill up.

For some reason I always read Tom Hardy as Ed Hardy and then I start thinking about terrible clothing and it's confusing because I know almost nothing about either one.

At the time all I could do was mark the message as abusive. My goal was to get his account suspended so he couldn't harass anyone else, but there wasn't a way to actively file a complaint. It's possible this has changed, but I haven't had a reason to investigate.

Some of my very favorite foods are on this list. Hurray!

I used to have a cat who went apeshit every time I tried to use one particular electrical outlet. Cats are so weirdly territorial.

Poor feller. We lived in the desert and he must have gotten really hot in the summer so I'm always surprised he never laid on the tiles to cool off. He just really hated sliding around I guess.

I really hope I never develop a food allergy. I just don't know how I'd handle it. I love food entirely too much.

A friend of mine IM'd me today to complain about a charlie horse in her neck. I told her to drink more water and eat some bananas, except I forgot she's allergic to bananas. :-(

Does he skid on tile? Our Charlie hated being in the kitchen because he would fall every time he sat down.

I couldn't find a way to file a complaint or contact their management team. Maybe things are different now. I hope so anyway. I've used the site off and on since then but haven't had a problem like that.

Growing up we had a big fat lab named Charlie III. Charlie was too fat to roll over. One day my mom and I were trying to get Charlie to roll over and he was having none of it.

So OKC will suspend a fake account that harms no one but when a user threatened me with rape (through the site) nothing happened to him?

This is my own personal experience so I can't speak for anyone else. But I have found that after anal I poop easier for a couple days. It's probably the lube.

I work in nonprofit healthcare. That seems...unlikely.

The last time I tried online dating I only got solicited twice. Now I'm disappointed.

Because for whatever reason every time an American plays a Not-American this is denoted with a British accent. Usually a terrible one. See for example every movie every made about ancient Rome.

Honestly I don't. I know I watched the movie but I don't remember it that well.

I went to high school with the actress who played the daughter in that movie! She was the nicest person ever and said Sally Field sends her a Christmas card every year.

Just found out the tour is coming to my city next spring. I can't afford tickets so I'm trying to get on the volunteer usher list. I would work a hundred terrible shows to see this one for free.