brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Oh that's awesome news about Eponine. She's far and away my favorite character and were I a talented singer my dream role would be to play her.

Even if this is the worst movie ever made I will see it and cry the entire time from the sheer joy of watching Les Miz.

For what it's worth, many people find the term "retarded" offensive when applied to people. The preferred term is "intellectually disabled."

Good for brain and body!

Ok, if I had to become a Christian I now know what denomination I'd choose. Have you ever had kosher wine? It's the main reason I'm not a drinker.

Oh man, I need to watch this movie again RIGHT NOW. Too bad my Will-Ferrell-hating boyfriend is coming over tonight. I can't even get him to watch the fight on YouTube.

Well, but by most "Christian" standards, he's still hell-bound. Just sayin'.

We joke about this often in synagogue. As a Jew, I'm going to hell, but that's ok, 'cause I get to party with Andy Warhol and Albert Einstein. Who wouldn't want that kind of afterlife?

Earlier today I was reading a listicle of inspiring Olympians (I unabashedly love the Olympics) and when I got to the one about the runner who tore his hamstring partway through but finished with help from his dad, I was bawling. This is my second morning cry of the day. I'm gonna go ahead and blame my birth control.

Whatever yo. Santa Cruz is inferior to no one.

Why does God hate us?


I don't think it matters. As long as it doesn't contain cat or baby, I'll take 2.

The TMZ article states that Jim Paratore was 58. Still too young for anyone to go.

Yeah, my boss is pretty great. She offered to write a letter of appeal for me, although it turns out there is no such appeals process. It helps that I work for a nonprofit - although we are of course always trying to bring in more money, it's about way more than profit.

I broke down into tears last Tuesday when I checked my email during lunch and found out I didn't get into grad school. My office is exceptionally close-knit, and so when I ran down the hallway to tell my boss, she was wonderfully sympathetic and let me take the rest of the day off as a "holiday," even though I had to

Crying once saved me from severe discipline or possibly getting fired. I was in college, working at a movie theater. I woke up one morning for my shift only to find power was out at my house and in fact throughout most of the town. I couldn't cook breakfast. The buses were all off-schedule. When I finally caught a bus


I had a cat fall two stories once. The vet said that 1-2 stories is a danger zone for cats; they have enough time to twist upside down but might not have enough time to right themselves. Generally anything shorter or longer is ok. That's why a cat can fall 30 stories and be totally fine. (Do not try this at home.)

If he had gotten up there and stayed I'm sure he would have been all "Bow before Me, puny humans!"