brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I liked the first Hunger Games movie quite a bit but I won't see a movie with Robert Pattinson in it where his character lives, so. Glad he's not playing Finnick.

Oh my yes. I just woke up from an ill-advised nap and I think I'll watch SVU and putter around for 4 hours until actual bedtime.

I thought anything in Riverside County would have suited him (we went to HS in far southwest RivCo). *shrug* I went to UC Santa Cruz specifically to get as far away from there physically and politically as possible, so.

I'm so glad that wasn't what I thought it was.

UCLA and UC Riverside used to have a similar program, where you did 3 years of pre-med undergrad at Riverside (where no one would willingly go) and then you were guaranteed admission to UCLA's med school. A friend of mine from high school entered the program in 2002 and then they cut it during his first year. He

The pups remind me of my nephews when they were like 2.

Well, every person's parole experience is different, but I got the feeling this is pretty standard, especially for someone newly released from prison. Even so - just don't do it. Smart choice.

I don't think you were wrong. I used to date a gun nut (he had at least 5) and I would refuse to go into his house unless they were all unloaded, safeties on, locked up. You can never, ever be too careful with a firearm.

Politely turn him down, but let him know if he gets his shit together/stops mooning over his ex you'll reconsider.

Based on what I've seen from my very occasional visits to i09, I think we could take them on sheer numbers alone. Our regular commentariat has to be several times larger than theirs. Other than that I have no idea but obviously I'm partial to my fellow lesbian shitasses.

White Noise. Of all his books I've read, it was the most accessible. I also really liked Cosmopolis. It's short and will soon be a movie that looks really fucking good. Don't read Underworld unless you have a loooooot of time to kill.

Run away. Seriously. It's a long story but I once dated a sex offender and it was not worth it.

One of my favorite salads:

My first CSA pick-up is in one week! I'm so excited for this I can't even say. I'm really looking forward to learning to use vegetables I wouldn't normally eat, and I love that I'm supporting local agriculture. I can't often afford to go outside the big box stores but I feel like this is worth it.

I went to high school in California. I don't mind saying I was a stellar student (graduating with a GPA above 4.0) who never got into serious trouble. But the high school was in so much financial trouble there was basically no such thing as an excused absence. I missed a couple days for a religious holiday (the school

In my next life I want to be a lamb.

I got 5 days but that's because I had surgery Thursday. I assure you, very little fun is being had right now.


It's sadly very common in Virginia, especially in the old-money crowd. It's so edgy and unexpected and naughty!

I lost about 15 pounds really fast a couple years ago (mono, what what) and then started working out. As I lost fat and built up muscle my boobs didn't change size but stuck out more. They also changed shape - became more boob-like, if that makes sense. When I changed BC a couple months back I put in 15 pounds, all in