brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I dig the music. But the rest...I'd go watch it at the $2 theater.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god this has totally made my day.

Yeah, it's strange how little I miss them. Any of them. The one I did sorta kinda miss was the one who left a year before all the bad shit happened. She recently joined Facebook and I'm glad we can be friends again without it being tainted by drama.

I used to have a pair of fuzzy purple flip flops with thick hard soles and they were awesome. I wore them everywhere.

Nope. The more adjectives like that a review contains the drunker I have to be to enjoy it.

Over four years ago I took over a book club from a woman moving to Japan. We developed a small core group and things seemed pretty awesome for a few years. Then about a year and a half ago things fell apart. No one wanted to meet for anything or pick the next month's book. I suspended the book club for a few months

As a confirmed pedestrian (who doesn't know how to ride a bike [shut up]) I thank you. I've been almost hit by bikers on the sidewalk many times.

Same on my Windows Phone app. I filtered someone out of most of my posts because if I didn't she'd leave inane comments on everything and that gets annoying right quick. I didn't put her in my restricted list; my filter was just "Restricted + this person." Anything I posted from my phone was filtered away from the

A bunch of deeply Mormon acquaintances from high school came out in favor of Prop. 8 so I blocked them without even thinking twice about it. Other deeply wacky (on all sides of the spectrum) friends and family are hidden but not unfriended because it would cause too many fights. Since doing that my life has calmed

Every time I see a fetish question I wonder why that person didn't write to Dan Savage. Of course, he would mock them mercilessly for even suggesting the merest hint of a tendency toward monogamy, so I guess I can see why.

I unabashedly love Dear Prudence even though she's awful and close-minded and at least half her questions are fake. I just can't help it. The Monday chats and Thursday advice columns get me through my week.

Thirded! Would love to hear from people in really out-there fields that people looking for careers might not otherwise consider.

It's not just you! I had to look really hard to figure out who we were looking at.

I don't know. Does anyone know her agent?

I've done a great job at getting my sugar under control (went from a 13.2 to a 6.2 in a year and a half, what what!) but I cannot seem to lose weight except when I'm terribly sick. I wouldn't mind trying Byetta or...that V help with that, but I really don't want to start on any non-generic drugs right

I'm...conservative. Sort of. I have tattoos and don't keep kosher and like to fuck my pagan boyfriend with wild abandon, but I like my davening old school. It's nice that I found a shul that's affiliated with the conservative movement (so I know all the tunes already) but also believes in full gender equality.

Me too! This weekend at shul we celebrated our rabbi's daughter becoming a rabbi herself and even though I've never met the woman before I cried. All religion should be that joyful all the time! Not this hateful militant crap.

Dude, I'm burning your feminist card. This is simply not ok!

I am very willing to share. :-)

That actually makes me want to take it more. Haven't tried it yet as I'm having good luck with metformin and glucotrol, but if I had to switch I'd want gila monster spit in a heartbeat.