brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Sugar packets! Good idea! (FWIW I don't drink coffee. Don't like the taste, never have. I like a spot of tea from time to time, but never coffee, ew.)

Why do glucose tabs taste so goddamn awful? Once I tried carrying Sweet Tarts for the odd crash but then I just ate them all so that didn't work. But oh my god glucose tabs. When you already feel bad, "watermelon"-flavored chalk does not help.

Every time you make lentils, god gives an IUD to a woman in Bangladesh. True story.

I don't care what Queen Latifah's sexual orientation is as long as someday she'll consent to a tumble in the hay with me. A girl can dream, can't she?

Great, now I'm going to lose an hour re-reading the Best Of and wishing Allie would post more often.

Hey, too much yellow bile is bad for you. True fact.

I try to exercise every day. It's not always easy, but in the last month or so I've made it more days than I haven't, which is remarkable given my hectic daily life. I'm having minor surgery on Thursday and my boyfriend will be around all weekend to help me out/be a totally adorable mother hen. I've already told him

I wish I could double-heart you for this.

I giggle every time I make lentils now.

My last one was 6.2%. I'm crossing my fingers to go sub-6 at some point this year, and maybe lower the dosages on some of my meds in the process.

Oh FFS. I had it right, then fixed it wrong. Pre-lunch issues...

As the article noted, men in traditionally female jobs get promoted further and faster than women. Women are prep cooks, men are chefs. Women are teachers, men are principles. Etc. If I was a man looking for a fast promotion I'd totally go into a pink-collar field.

I don't remember where I found it, but I read a blog post a week or two ago by a T1 woman with an insulin pump. Someone at a gas station asked her about her tubing, and she went into her standard spiel. At the end of it, the person asking said, "And remember, if you take care of yourself and lose some weight, someday

Also forgot 9) This is bad science!!!11!!1

I think that one's actually true.


It's 6? I thought it was even lower, somewhere in the 5s. Huh.

I've been posting here for a couple years, actually.

Since the discussion around diabetes never changes around here, I'm willing to bet I can predict 90% of the comments will fall into the following categories:

He wouldn't leave someone who's sexually interested in children? Really? REALLY? Ew.