brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy


Yeah, my second one is in July. A friend of mine is a physical therapist and I'm sure she'll ride my ass (and not in the fun way) if I don't do my exercises, so I really have no excuse. Plus I really want to knit again. Really really.

So today during a visit with a couple of friends, I mentioned offhandedly that insofar as I believe in "The One," I'm pretty sure my current boyfriend is it. Is he. He is. Grammar fail. We've been together three months but I had this realization a month ago. I didn't say anything to my BFF because I was sure she'd

In Richmond, Jesus will illegally turn left on red from a right turn lane without signalling and honk like mad at oncoming traffic attempting to make a legal left on a green arrow.

Lucky her...the god I only sort of believe in doesn't function on the micro level.

"Jesus died for my sins so I can sin as much as I want. Move it, asshole."

I'd like to see a similar study about religiosity. We all know that person who's SUPER DUPER INTO GOD AND EVERYTHING but wouldn't save a lost kitten if you paid them.

I did not know the thing about PDFs! I have a bunch of books in PDF and I was despairing of reading them on my Kindle. Thanks!

Whole fruit with the skin is the right kind of sugary. As in, it also contains fiber to slow down metabolizing the fructose, as well as vitamins and whatnot. Fruit in reasonable portions is awesome.

You are officially my favorite person on the internet tonight.

It's that season again...

It was a surprise wedding! People thought they were going to a graduation party for her. So sweet...

Cheese, nuts, soy milk, lean meat, non-starchy vegetables, air-popped plain popcorn, sugar-free jello or pudding. Whole fruit in limited amounts, combined with a protein (half an apple and a small handful of walnuts, etc). A slice of avocado on a whole-wheat tortilla.

I want to snuggle both of them.

1) Thanks! I'm a big supporter of public radio and I love that scene from Anchorman, so. It worked.

Maybe there are only like 10 people in the whole world. Weeeiiird.

You can do this with any file that a Kindle can read, including PDFs. My email account is [myhandle], not @free. Pretty handy!

Mark Zuckerberg got married today (aww). My first college boyfriend got married today (aww). I've never seen them in the same room together. Theory: my ex-boyfriend is Mark Zuckerberg. My ex claims to be a legally blind technical writer from Denver, but now I know otherwise...

Connect to wifi or 4G and sync. Then the files will just show up on your home screen.

Email them. Your Kindle should have an email address (look in the settings or in your Amazon account). Make sure at least one of your email addresses is authorized to email the Kindle (again, done through your Amazon account) or the files won't go through.