brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I use it with my Windows phone easily. It's not perfect; I can't get to calendars I don't own. To get around that I copy events I need to look at on the fly to my personal calendar. I can add events from my phone and see them on the website, and vice-versa. I also tied my to-do list to the calendar app so I get a

I tell my sister that her three sons are the best birth control I could ever ask for. Then she gets mad at me.

I would not be able to function without my several Google calendars. Best. Tool. Ever.

I have a friend I play cribbage with. I got a big crush on him while I was with someone else. That ended and after a few months I was ready to ask him out. Luckily right before I was going to start that conversation he mentioned his girlfriend who he'll be moving cross-country to be with in a few months. So glad I

I'd be interested to see a correlation between choosing to be a stay-at-home-parent and SES. Some people are home with their kids for lack of options.

I can't stand the way my sister chews gum. She's like a damn cow.

I hosted a small party last night and next weekend I'm going to like 3 parties (after minor surgery so that should be fun). Tonight is the perfect break.

I have beautiful hair.

It's Saturday night and the weather's gorgeous and I should be doing something interesting but I'm so much happier watching SVU on DVD while polishing off a bottle of Coke Zero.

Yeah, that's what our cheerleaders wore too. Of course all the other girls had to wear shorts or skirts that were no more than 2" above the knee without slits. I had a classmate who was 6 feet tall and she was all legs. We were in Southern California and the style at the time was shorts that just barely covered your

I love cupcakes but I hate pink. I have a vagina and I've always identified as a woman but these book covers have me confused. What am I??

That tongue picture is going to give me nightmares.

For a minute I thought this was the story about the kid who went to school in blackface. This is worse in a completely different way.

Holy shit this is exactly the wedding I want. Seriously. Except it should all happen in a nice back yard with dogs running around, around harvest-time, with lots of homemade food and a kickass cake.

Let me guess: the bride was under 23. If there's one thing that also being addicted to wedding porn tv has taught me, it's that the younger the bride, the crazier the family.

My understanding from friends who went through this crap is it's basically impossible to buy a wedding dress from a place like David's without wanting to burn the store down.

Ah-ha! Very interesting. My brother-in-law is Canadian and is ostensibly Episcopalian but is in fact a hardcore atheist.

My best friend from college is getting married soon and she has buckets of money. BUCKETS. So much so that she bought two dresses that probably each cost more than I will spend on round-trip cross-country plane tickets to attend. She has some unique physical issues that affected the dress selections she made. You'd

Apropos of nothing, it took me a couple days to figure out your username, but now that I have I'm in Simpsons-fan love.

Um, this advice is really dangerous to people with diabetes, especially people dependent on insulin therapy. I for one would rather have a small snack GASP after dark than pass out from hypoglycemia, or, y'know, die.