brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I bake my own bread a lot - can't right now because I have limited wrist functionality - and I'm getting my first CSA shipment soon. I'd love to buy meat from that farm too but it's out of my price range and I eat so little of it, it's almost not worthwhile.

I KNOW RIGHT? It's crazy talk! The world is upside down! Dogs lying down with cats! Rain coming up from the ground! Skittles taste like chocolate and M&Ms taste like Starburst!

I was just thinking the same thing. I'm a natural-born citizen of the US but I'm also a citizen of Israel, claimed because both my parents are. (Fun fact - you can also claim Israeli citizenship if you can prove you're a practicing Jew!) Israel recognizes both but the US will not.

Everyone is fat and no one is ever allowed to enjoy any food ever because any kind of eating is disordered eating when everyone is fat.

I'm firmly in the camp of eating real food at every opportunity. Whole grains, lots of produce, lean meats, and small amounts of full-fat cheese (low-fat dairy is worse than paper cuts). When I want sweets, I make them. From real ingredients that I can pronounce. And I give 98% of the sweets I make to other people so

Oh shut up.

I want Jeremy Renner and Chris Hemsworth to make out so bad. SO BAD.

I can only assume there was maniacal laughter and candy stolen from babies as well.

So according to Slate one argument against gay marriage is that it deprives a child of one biological parent.

I'm 27 and haven't willingly worn makeup since I was 21 and even before that it was rare. I guess I never hit the I give a fuck stage.

This article taps into a deep fear of mine, that I'm never going to find a life partner or have children, even though I want both, badly. There's no real reason for me to believe this. Though I had trouble finding worthwhile dating partners in my earlier years it's much easier now and I would love to foster or adopt

Dude. I am literally less than a mile from the building. And I would be happy to give an hour or two every couple weeks to cage scrubbing. Maybe I should try signing up again...

Don't feed the trolls.

I need that on a bumper sticker.

So's my boyfriend! All is not lost! Because the most important thing any woman can ever be is attractive to a man, amirite?

Well he's like 10-20% right, so.

I planned my first tattoo for a year and a half. It's been 3 years and I'm still planning the second one.

YOU GUYS. I can't wait to here what kind of lame stereotypes I'll be reduced to this time. There are so many options. Jewish. Intellectual. Fat. Feminist. New Jersey-ian. Californian. Virginian. Nerd. Grad student.

I tried to sign up at least twice in the last two years and have been told orientation is always full and they don't know when they can open up more dates. I'm happy they have so many helpers but it's frustrating!

Maybe. I dunno. I aged out of coverage by the third shot (my policy only went up to 26) but some kind of magic happened and I didn't have to pay. Which is good, because I don't have $180 for anything these days.