brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Well let's see. I've lost Shel Silverstein, Madeleine L'Engle, Shari Lewis, Mr. Rogers, the Berenstains, Jim Henson, and Sendak. My childhood cannot take any more.

This was from an interview by Terry Gross on Fresh Air. It's legit. And awesome.

Like I said, I can't confirm anything. I just go by what I hear at work (part of what I do is refer people to low-cost health care). And what I've heard, more than once, is, "I have insurance and they paid for one HPV shot but now I need two more and I don't have any money and they won't pay for me to go back." Maybe

*shrug* My boss won't go to the dentist because she is so terrified of the pain from Novocaine injections. The grinding pain of an abscess bothers her less apparently. Everyone is different in that regard.

Can't verify it but I've received calls from women complaining that insurance paid for the first shot but would not pay for the subsequent injections. More likely, insurance will only pay for exactly one visit to the ladydoctor every 365 days. Even at the low-cost women's health clinic I go to, the shots are very

When I die I want to be wherever Shel Silverstein, Madeleine L'Engle, and Maurice Sendak are.

Well, true. But stuffing a wallet that's been who knows where into someone's mouth while they're bleeding is the best way to give them a delightfully deadly blood infection. So in general...don't fucking do it.

It is not actually possible to swallow your tongue. Not during a seizure and not not during a seizure.

Trying so hard not to cry at my desk right now. We share a birthday, and Where the Wild Things Are is probably my favorite children's book. And I had totally forgotten he also wrote Chicken Soup with Rice. I remember begging my mom to make chicken soup with rice during yet another interminable bout with strep after we

Eeewwwwwww. Next time I get medical stuff done I will examine the providers' nails very, very carefully.

I almost envy people who have so little to do with their hands, and so much money, that they can wear crazy nails.

I dunno, I've stayed at more than one fancy hotel where the hot breakfasts were completely inedible. I survived one memorable conference on danishes and stale cereal every day because not even the hot water tasted good.

It's the best argument against recreational drug use I've ever seen.

I've had numerous male pets neutered, and their sacks were left intact. They shriveled up but were definitely still there. These were all in pets whose sacks didn't dangle; I guess there just isn't any point to subjecting the little fellers to extra trauma for leftover skin.

Yeah, it's especially hard with females because the surgery is invasive and it's hard to tell if it's been done without seeing the scars or doing an ultrasound or something.

When I took my cat to the spay/neuter clinic to get fixed, he got a tiny tattoo near his (former) nads so any future vet would see he had already been snipped. This is pretty standard and useful. Cosmetic tattoos are...not.

I frequently lie to people about being allergic to tobacco smoke because I can't stand it when people smoke around me. I will occasionally lie about being allergic to alcohol because I don't drink for medical reasons and I'm sick of people (a) pushing drinks in my face or (b) assuming I'm pregnant.

Jolene, I love you. Hearted!

I live within walking distance of the Richmond SPCA. I would love to volunteer there but they're always full up.

Totally distracted by those stockings. I am a sucker for black thigh-highs in the worst way.