brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

For real! My last set of roommates were all 21-25 (I'm almost 28) and none of them could cook. One literally never cooked a thing, not even pasta. Just frozen pizza and fish sticks. The other destroyed one of my pots letting a batch of beans boil until there was no water left, and nearly burned the house down twice

I can't stand dating people who don't cook. Maybe it's because I'm frugal but the idea of wasting money on restaurants and frozen crap really bothers me.

Care to share your pork tenderloin recipe?

Yep. It's called the glass escalator. Men in trades traditionally ascribed to women get promoted faster and further than women, so a male nurse is more likely to be a nursing supervisor, a male cook is more likely to be an executive chef, etc.

Eep. I totally had it mistaken for Deism. Thanks for clarifying!

As a Jew, under the Christian notion of the afterlife (if I understand it correctly), I'm going to hell. But let me tell you, I'm very much looking forward to partying with Albert Einstein, RuPaul, and Andy Warhol.

When my grandmother died in 1997, I got the sneaking suspicion that either God didn't exist or God didn't care about us. When 9/11 happened that suspicion grew even stronger.

Yes! The other day the BF and I went out in his car and nearly got sideswiped by a city bus. In firing off an email to their complaint department (which went nowhere, of course...) I really struggled with "our car" vs. "the car." It's not my car. It's his car. But I wanted to say "our" because it felt right in the

According to their twitter analysis tool, I'm worried and depressed. I think this is because most of my tweeting occurs at work.

This meme is never going to die, is it? *sigh*


I was conceived about a month before my parents' anniversary. I think, anyway. My due date was late June, I was born mid-June, and their anniversary is mid-October. If I'm an anniversary baby I would have been a preemie.

Oh, so many. Signing the paperwork to buy a car on my own. Passing up a job offer for the job I already had because the benefits are so damn good. When my friends started getting married and having babies. Being sad that I can't pick up NPR on my clock radio in my current home. Making the active decision to stop

Mine leads to no such special occasion, and thank god for that. I couldn't stand the thought of a holiday being ruined like that.

Interesting. I naturally sleep with my hands under my pillow, but I wondered if the pressure of my head on my arm all night wasn't contributing to the nerve pain. Guess not!

And I really hope you invite me! That sounds awesome!

Downside of today: found out I definitely for sure have carpal tunnel in both hands. The orthopedic practice my doctor refers to is famous for never having open appointments sooner than a month out, hurray.

Backyard barbecue sometime in mid-fall. The food will all be homemade by me and my family. Except the cake. I want a goddamn badass cake, the kind that will win awards. I will wear emerald green because I don't look good in white and I know I'll stain that shit in 5 seconds flat. People will gather an hour before the

Ursula got her revenge at last.

I'm not totally sure about that, but according to Wikipedia (which is never wrong) he got a bachelor's in visual communications in 2009. If he finished college at 22, he's 24 or 25 now. Bonus: he's originally from Nigeria so he's got the sexy accent thing going on.