brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I refuse to watch the show Angel on the grounds that if the character Angel existed in real life I'd want to punch him in the nads.

I started developing real empathy for Andrew when he made the video and ended it by admitting he probably wouldn't survive. Ditto the hospital scene with Anya. That's pretty much how I feel about my chances of surviving the end times, so I could relate. Part of me still wishes he was right, though.

His top 10 are in a featurette on the last disc of Season 7. I already put it back in the Netflix envelope. I just remember that his number 1 was "Innocence," the episode where Angel gets his soul back and turns into a complete asshole. Clearly an important part of the plot, but...really?

I for one am very glad you're ok.

Well as I said below I finished the entire run of Buffy tonight. I had never seen any of it before.

I watched Once More With Feeling twice on the same night because I felt like I missed a lot the first time around. I can't remember if I watched The Body the same way. I feel like I did. I also watched Conversations With Dead People (another stellar episode) twice, but it had less impact on repeat view.

I'm three episodes from the end of Buffy. I started the series for the first time in December. Man, that shit gets dark in the last season.

I was sort of hoping they'd be space penguins.

Awww sad I wish I was starred and could see the troll comments. :-(

I thought I read somewhere that she was named after Bristol, Connecticut, the hometown of ESPN. Just a lucky coincidence about the bay...

I should go to bed but I have laundry to deal with. But I am bound and determined to go to synagogue tomorrow morning and that means getting up earlier than I'd like so I can be presentable in the eyes of the congregation and god and all that.

Feminists don't hate men. Feminists hate sexism. You'd be surprised how many times I've had to point that out.

I thought I wanted to marry my ex, whom I dated for almost 2 years. Then I had a dream where he gave me a ring and it didn't fit, and I woke up knowing I was done. I'm with your mom - I'll be 28 in a couple months and I damn sure know what I want by now. And...yeah. I'm pretty sure he's it.

I joked once about proposing to him with a broadsword and he said, "I'd prefer a battleaxe or a mace." I like rapiers myself but they're not so easy to show off around the office, y'know?

When I was an editor for my college newspaper I went with one of my reporters to cover a Colin Powell lecture outside San Jose. This was the height/pits of the Bush Administration and Powell was not at all a popular man in the area. There were massive protests outside, complete with police helicopters overhead and

Honestly, it's kinder to both of you to do it now rather than later. If you want out, it'll start to show and that hurts more than just doing it. Not that it'll be easy or painless either way.

Earlier tonight I went for a walk and in the middle of thinking about nothing in particular I had an idea so blindingly stupid I can't actually tell if it's a bad one or not.

For what it's worth, about 5 years ago I caused a horrific accident while keeping my eyes on the road, driving at a very safe speed, and using no electronic devices whatsoever. I wasn't using any mind-altering substances, I wasn't in the midst of a medical emergency, and there wasn't anyone else in the car. In point

Oooh, shiny. It's a pity the clubs are so darn expensive though.

So, hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to buy a battleaxe or a mace, where would I look?