brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I don't care for my mother's, aunt's, and grandmother's wedding dress. So I'll probably buy one of my own. But not from a bridal shop, because fuck that noise. Off the rack from Macy's, please.

The one reason I wish I still lived with my crazy ex-roommates (an engaged couple) is so I could get new HOLY SHIT SHE IS INSANE stories. They're both chubby-ish people with horrible diets. Two years before the wedding, she started haranguing him to lose weight. He's been on one fad diet after another but can't stick

I'm of slightly below average height for a ladyperson and once for a job I was sent on a trip in the company pickup truck. It was an older model with bench seats and the only way I could reach the pedals was to pull up the seat as very close as I could and still sit on the edge.

Last summer I bought a new bed from Walmart. So if you get flogged, I'm right there with you. And then I'll go recover in my awesomely comfortable bed.

My 5-year-old nephew looks a lot like a (very) young JGL, which I highly approve of. Does this mean he'll grow up to look like Bruce Willis? I'm not sure I'm ok with that...

Dude, Cory Booker would hand deliver kittens to every single person in Greece and put daisies in all the army rifles in Syria, all the while singing odes to the glory of both nations in fluent Greek and Arabic. And he would never break a sweat.

I wonder if he can be cloned. Can you imagine what would happen if we put a BookerBot in charge of every crumbling city in America? Cincinnati? Saved. Detroit? The jewel of the Great Lakes region! Providence: a shining city on a hill. This plan cannot fail.

Pretty much the only reason I'd ever want to live in New Jersey again is so I could vote for him eleventy million times.

I've become a big fan of apocalyptic fiction lately (think the last season of Buffy, the last Harry Potter book, Caryl Churchill's Far Away, etc). This sounds like it'll be right up my alley.

A friend of mine works in hospital administration (not in Texas) and to a certain extent she argued in favor of the rule. Cheaper insurance, set a better example for the patients, etc.

When I'm single, I judge potential dates by the books they recommend me. A bad choice (or anything related to manga) is an automatic out.

Then again 99% of anime fans are emotionally distant socially stunted weirdos

But the point is, you didn't date her because she's Vietnamese and you're white.

Once a friend of mine tried to get something out of my purse while he was walking behind me and nearly got choked to death for his troubles. That was purely out of reflex. (I'm really sorry by the way.) If anyone up to and including close family members and Mr. Brotherjo tried this, there'd be rage on top of reflex.

Oh man. When I got mono a couple years ago I lost like 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm a fat lady and I still managed to look skeletal after that. Received nothing but compliments from people who didn't know what hell I had been through.

Pardon me. Was a dick. :-)

Just be careful you don't find a ninja or dragon lady fetishist...

Apparently so. He's a dick.

Yeah. By plain yogurt I mean the ingredients have to be milk and cultures and nothing else period.

I have known a few people so obsessed with Japanese culture/anime/otaku/whatever that they would date Japanese women exclusively. These were all white boys who genuinely thought they would wake up in an apartment in Tokyo fluent in Japanese one day if they wished hard enough. It was unnerving.