brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I'm not sure I've ever successfully spooned. Somehow it always turns into a sort of sideways doggystyle. And in that case I'd rather be on my knees.

See, now I'm thinking about doing a Kiva loan, but it's hard for me to look around at whom I might support without my Privilege Detector going off. "What does it say about me if I choose this woman over that group? Gaaah!"

Same here. My parents certainly could have had a maid come every day if they wanted to when I was a kid; instead, my mom, sisters, and I did all of it. I started doing laundry at 10 and cooking at 13. When I left for college I was shocked that people in my dorm had never done their own laundry before, and I was

I'm snarking on my phone. I'm terrible about misdialing and butt-dialing. Very scared I'll accidentally call 911 from my purse one of these days.

I'm pretty sure if I hit 9 and send on my cell phone it'll dial 911. Because those two extra buttons are really hard...

I want to go to there.

Oh, I know. I can't even watch a movie with an animal death or injury. A couple years ago I tried to watch a Very Important recent Mexican movie (I'm not being vague about the title; I've forgotten it) and accidentally happened on a scene with two characters frantically transporting a bloody dog in a cab. I think the

I refuse to let that happen on the grounds that this isn't Pleasantville, dammit.

I found it exceptionally difficult to choose between kink and doggy style. I may have to log out and vote again just to assuage my conscience.

Sister Peg makes this confirmed Jew want to consider the sisterhood. I really hope she's based on one or many real life badass nuns out there.

I've tried this, more than once. Three dark chocolate kisses with lunch, and then I won't want cupcakes! Nope. I want more kisses, and more cupcakes. :-/

Once you have it, you have it. You *may* be able to prevent it. Maybe. But if you have it, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. I'm willing to admit that in some cases surgery is the best option. But that doesn't abrogate your responsibility to...dun dun duuunnn...take care of yourself.

I'm not a medical person (aspiring medical social worker, if that counts) but I am a person with Type II. I can't stand it when people say "you can cure diabetes!"

Blood sugar levels don't just change due to food consumption. Stress, illness, menstruation, and sometimes nothing at all can also make blood sugar rise. Also, it's less a matter of how much you eat than what you eat. I can eat my weight in vegetables and not see much change in my levels. One small piece of candy and


But but but it's dangerous outside! There are other people out there! Who might think differently from me! They might even look different! I'm not ok with that! I like my own home, thank you. It's warm and safe and I never have to think ever again.

Last year my then-boyfriend was given the unenviable task of hiding the afikomen. For the rest of the afternoon he was tackled and abused by no less than 7 active under-10s with sharp elbows. Those bruises lasted a while. I'm actually kind of glad we're not having a seder this year. I'm with someone new and I don't

Seriously. Every time I think about cowgirl with my current dude I get shivers in all the right places. Something about his anatomy and mine make that position extraordinarily fantastic. So glad he's coming over tonight...

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Ok, just making sure I'm not crazy. I mean, I very well could be, but not on this.