brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Ok, am I the only one that NEVER saw Friday's post? I looked and looked and looked but I only saw one link, and it was broken. I will not lie, I am stupidly disappointed.

Every time I read about something like this it just solidifies my hunch that I'll have to get dragged kicking and screaming from the courthouse.

This is why I hearted you.

A sort-of famous photographer has my last name and a shortened version of my first name. I follow him on facebook and when I'm not paying attention I confuse the hell out of myself. "Wait a minute, I'm not in Gambia! Oh...right."

I'm pretty sure I'm the only me in the world and if I ever meet someone who disproves that I will probably fall down dead of a heart attack. My last name is very uncommon, even in our ethnic group. Anyone with it is more than likely a relative. A few weeks ago in synagogue I met a couple with my last name, started

I just put my Persian last name into that website and it didn't highlight Iran at all. In fact it told my last name is Arabic and most common among Indian Muslims. Possibly true but not completely accurate.

I can't think of a better way to have seen that movie.

I'm not watching tonight (I'm a season behind AND I don't have cable), but I just wanted to point out that the ever-awesome twitter account @DrSamuelJohnson is live-tweeting the show in language appropriate to the great Dr. Johnson himself. It's the nerdiest/best thing ever.

Tolkien-hating five!

Last night El Boyfriend and I went to go see The Hunger Games at a drive-in. For most of the movie a massive thunderstorm rumbled ominously to the west, providing some awesome mood lighting. It slid past us but in the last 45 minutes or so we got hit by a second storm. The atmosphere was so undeniably perfect that I

" like men!"

Skillrex freaks me out because he looks EXACTLY like an ex-boyfriend of mine and I hope to god it isn't him. I want Skillrex not to be him with every fiber of my being because I see the guy in the internet almost every day and...ugh. No thank you.

Yeah, that was the conclusion we came to. It's funny because of my friends who are the most vocal about being feminists, one is a straight-married stay at home mom by choice and the other is a Republican (but only fiscally). We were thinking of doing a campaign along the lines of We Are the 99%. "I'm X, I'm a

So I'm taking an intro-level sociology class and this week we covered sex, sexuality, and gender. Toward the end of lecture the professor asked "Who here considers themselves a feminist?" I proudly raised my hand. one else did. It was awkward and sad. I had a long discussion on facebook with friends of

Listen, I'm on a heavy-flow day right now and the cramps are bad enough that I wanted to skip work today. If I can't handle this, labor is right out. Pass the ether.

If there was a way to experience all of labor, from Braxton-Hicks onward, deeply asleep, I'd do it and never think twice. I can handle pain but I do not like it and I simply don't see why it's so damn important to suffer through labor.

The only real method I have of knowing if my meds are still working is a blood test every three months. It sucks, but I also know that short-term noncompliance = feeling really awful for a while and long-term noncompliance = kidney failure, blindness, amputations, heart disease, and death. And those suck more.

Ten internet points for your awesome vocabulary! Few things make me happier than seeing people use $2 words correctly in casual conversation.

I'm skeptical. Less about birth control than meds for HBP, cholesterol, and diabetes. If you have one or more of these conditions under really tight control and have for several years, yeah, you probably don't need to see a doctor. But I really don't like the idea of telling a kiosk your symptoms and having it spit

Oh lord, it has the twinkling stars and everything. I'm surprised there isn't a terrible midi that can't be turned off.