brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Nope. Central Virginia. I didn't even know drive-ins still existed, and to call this one local is kind of a stretch. It's 30 minutes outside the furthest reach of the city that people still consider the city, and even that area is 20-30 minutes from downtown.

I'm supposed to see it at the local drive-in tomorrow night but now there's a 70% chance of thunderstorms. :-(

It's a damn good school, and a very pretty campus. When it gets quiet at night you can hear sea lions barking!

University of California at Santa Cruz. Same professor also teaches on Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. While I was there I also took a class on stand-up comedy (which is why I no longer have any fear of public speaking or blind dates). Good old Uncle Charlie's Summer Camp.

When I was in college I took a class on The Beatles. It was awesome. One day instead of lecture we had a documentarian talk about Paul is Dead theories. It was all filmed to be used in his then-current project but I never found out what happened to it. The director's name was Martino, Martini, something like that.

With IE9, you have to make sure both Browser Mode and Document Mode are set to IE9 (found under Developer Tools by hitting F12).

Oh, I'm team butt all the way. There is zero chance Mr. Brotherjo will ever get one from me, even if he wanted me to. The man has had portions of his digestive tract removed, does not have a good diet, and can hotbox my bedroom like nobody's business.

Spooning is nice but somehow the parts never seem to line up right. I would walk many miles and do many bad things for a good tossed salad, so that one's easy.

After reading a lot of comments to this article, I have to wonder if my parents are clones of some awful Ur-Parent who really, really hates their children. Maybe this is how the terrorists will finally win.

Argh, I couldn't even finish this article. I got to the part about her arguing with her daughter about party food and had flashbacks. I was a fat child and I grew up into a fat adult because my parents taught me that food was bad and naughty. They would humiliate me at parties by commanding me (in Hebrew no less) to

Growing up I had two sisters, and a large rotating cast of four-legged siblings. Mom always told the pets to "go bother your sister" when they were hungry or needed to go out or whatever. It makes perfect sense to me.

Oh he's a total skeeze. I would only touch him if he wore a full-body condom and had laryngitis. But he does have a pretty, pretty face.

Is that a recent picture of Ashton? The man is aging well.

Once I had a hot chocolate with hazelnut in it that I'm pretty sure could cure all the world's ills. So I'm team hot chocolate.

I'm not sure my undying love for Chris Hemsworth will overcome my unreasonable dislike of Kristen Stewart enough for me to see this. Maybe if someone else pays.

Knitter, do-gooder, aspiring social worker. Likes: cats, cooking. Dislikes: jerks, bad drivers.

I don't think it's that gross either. I also have two sisters, all of us shedders. I also spent the summer I was 19 doing maintenance in a giant dorm building. Once I was snaking a particularly clogged bathtub and this giant rat tail of hair came out so hard it knocked me on my ass. I laughed until I couldn't breathe,

I heart the baking soda and vinegar solution. Not only is it easy, cheap, and effective, it's also really fun! Once vinegar hits baking soda, there's a big FWOOSH and lots of foam and gurgling. Makes 5-year-old me happy every time.

I have a problem with compulsive overeating, so I really can't reward myself with food. As horrible as it sounds, it's better for me not to associate food I really like with special occasions, getting that whatever I was hoping for, etc. I try to use nonfood things as rewards instead, like going to the movies, buying

I like pudding but I can really only eat it when I'm sick, so it has unpleasant associations for me. Which is totally unfair, given how lovely a good pudding is.