brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Pro tip, future sex partners: if you ever want me to see god during sexytimes, give me a cowboy hat. Yee-haw!

Is it weird that the first thing I thought was that her pee looks awfully dark and she might be dehydrated?

This is the best news I've heard all day. If my virgin sacrifices have gone correctly I'll be starting grad school in the fall, and I'm thrilled to know at least one of my several prescriptions will be taken care of...

Oh honey, it's so easy. Unless you're missing limbs (no disrespect to those who are) the odds are pretty good you can learn. You probably have friends who knit, and if not, there's YouTube and craft stores. Knitters love to share their wealth!

I have a bunch of obnoxious aqua that would work pretty well. I hate that yarn and don't know why I bought it. Finally, a use for it!

Compliance is a huge problem in the health care safety net (free/community clinics, etc). To use an example from my own life: I take 3 prescription medications. One has to be taken at approximately the same time every day, plus or minus one hour. One has to be taken 20-30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. One has

BRB, yarn shopping...for justice!

I'm with you. I don't want to be surprised or asked in front of other people. Likewise I promise not to do the asking in a surprising manner in public. Ick.

Two similar (and very, very minor, comparatively) stories:

Hm...I'd have to say 11/22/63, although I'm about a quarter of the way through The Hunger Games and I can't put it down. So ask me again in a couple days and I'll have a different answer for you.

Yes! So far it's only the first five episodes of the season (not sure how many there have been), but I'm sure more will be added.

I was so productive today that I finished everything I needed to do by 4. And then I had nothing to do. So I watched five episodes of The Worst Cooks in America in a row. (Thanks, Hulu!) Also made plans with my girls for a long-overdue girls' night, solidified plans to see The Hunger Games at the drive-in (!) with the

I used to journal but now I prefer talking to a few trusted girlfriends. I'll try to catch one of them tomorrow. She's good at slapping me upside the head when I need it. I also use knitting and exercise to settle my thoughts. I went on a long walk today after he told me about the possible move but before we really

Yeah, I don't actually need the GPS often, since most of the driving I do is to places I already know. But I get lost easily looking for new places, so that's when I'll really look forward to using it. As for the Bluetooth...I'm still not entirely clear on its purpose or function so I don't think I'll use that much

Sometimes I really hate having an anxiety disorder. It's taken me many years, but I can control my irrational thoughts most of the time. Logically, for example, I know the guy walking in my general direction on the sidewalk is not going to push me into oncoming traffic.

Mr. Brotherjo was more than pleased to help me support this important cause. Go Team Pooper!

There's no such thing as too much lube.

Totally dig the hanger necklace. I hope I'm not allergic to it.

Brotherjo: my favorite blog, Jezebel, is doing its annual march madness bracket, sex vs chocolate

Could you make a milkshake with frozen yogurt? I mean, I never would, but it's theoretically possible, right?