brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Chrome works fine for me. IE9 does as well as long as I tinker with the settings slightly.

It looks like you're ok on that one. Sadly for me.

Here's the thing about anal: the visible part of the clit is only a very small part of the whole apparatus. The rest of it points backwards. Just sayin'.

My sister does that! I just don't get it.

I've found if I can confine my crazy to one aspect of my life, I can be lax in the rest. Since I have health problems, it makes a lot of sense for me to choose that as the thing I need to control the hell out of. So I watch my diet carefully and exercise a lot, and I've stopped being annoyingly persnickety about other

She just looks so genuinely happy! The shiny hair helps I'm sure.

Will you be my lifemate?

That is interesting. I don't have chronic pain, but I know from friends that having it really fucks things up mentally.

I had to vote for gelt even though I want truffles to win. There's a soft spot in my heart for the food of my people. What can I say? We love to suffer.

I tried JDate (for Jews and fans thereof) but the pool in my area was entirely too small. After a while I was like, I'm paying $25 a month to see the same 8 faces over and over, and get hit on by creeps from around the world, why?

Nope, Virginia. Thanks for the offer, though.

I'm having a hard time finding a therapist with the experience I'm looking for: both chronic disease and depression/anxiety. The last one I found did eating disorders, which was sort of helpful, but it got really annoying having to explain every last aspect of my medical issues every single visit. A couple months ago

Michelle Obama is so many kinds of awesome, if my partner left me for her I wouldn't even be sad.

I stopped calling myself bi on OkCupid after one too many married couples old enough to be my parents wouldn't take no for an answer. I got into some heated arguments with a couple of my queer friends who thought I was abandoning them or some such nonsense, If my princess is out there I'll just have to meet

I know people who use OKC to find just friends, but that never really interested me. I got hit on by way too many married men who "just wanted to be friends" and it was all very creepy and sketchy. I'd rather find friends through work and common interest groups, myself.

It's not on Urban Dictionary, therefore it doesn't exist.

Makes sense. I enjoy some aspects of BDSM but I'm not in the scene, as it were, and I sometimes have trouble with what language to use because of that. I'm definitely a bottom except upon request (which is rare) and I'm mostly submissive, except for the 1 in 10 times when I just want to pin my partner down and do bad

Oh dear lord I am so glad I'm alone in the office right now. I don't know what I would say if someone asked me why I was cry-laughing.

I'm going with Oral vs. Fudge. Also right now I'm fantasizing about receiving oral while eating fudge. That would be pretty much the best thing ever.

Whichever two make it to the final showdown, I will figure out a way to incorporate one into the other. I'm always up for a challenge!