brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Bwaaa? I would like to look these up myself, if you don't mind sharing titles...

Just want to say I've had several pilodinal cysts (or rather one that recurred several times) and the last time I ended up in the ER with a fever so high I hallucinated. Thanks for the memories!

My best friend is of mixed Asian and white ancestry and she has dated several white guys who were clearly only into her because of her race. It was frustrating and horrifying to watch. Luckily she has found a guy who doesn't have Yellow Fever and after 8 years together they're getting married this summer.

Yep. I'm kinky in the sense that I like getting kinky things done to me. Mr. Brotherjo is rather vanilla but he has potential. I'll get him tying me up yet.

Bottom isn't the same as sub. It's easier to think of bottom/top as the X axis and dom/sub as the Y axis. Some people are pure submissive bottoms or pure dominant tops, or the complete opposites, but most people are somewhere in the middle.

I'm the opposite - outside the bedroom I'm an independent, strong, dominant type. But when it's just me and the mister, I want nothing more than to be thrown around like a ragdoll. It's a release. Same with people in your situation - being a dom/me would be an outlet for you.

I'm a nice Jewish girl and Mr. Brotherjo is almost 100% German. Hm.

Those are so horrifying they're hypnotic. I really really have to pee but I can't look away. This is a problem.

One of the women who posted is a friend of mine, and it just tickles me pink. I'm sad that I found out about the campaign too late to join the fun.

He didn't go back when I found out. This was three or four years ago and for all I know he's there now, but I really have no idea.

Hurray, another chance to tell the story of how I dated a convicted sex offender but didn't know about his history until three months in. He had an account on the same dating site I was using, but used a fake birthday and didn't post a picture. That's all it took to keep his parole officer from finding out.

BRB, asking my doctor if I can triple my birth control dose.

I have a couple Twitter friends who also post here. Since learning their secret identities, I've met them both. It's both awesome and very slightly disconcerting.

Unbearably sad, but it worked so well for the vibe of the show.

The last person I kissed before my current sweetie was the kind of person who believed EVERY KISS should involve tongue. NO IT SHOULD NOT. I tried to retrain him but eventually gave up. After that it was the Pretty Woman rule. I would do anything but kiss him on the mouth. He never seemed to notice.

I loved the opening credits for Big Love when it was set to "God Only Knows." Also, have not stopped loving the credits for Six Feet Under.

Awe-some. I thought it was only good for 5.

Sometimes I wonder how I managed to live almost 28 years being as clumsy as I am. Evidence from the past three days alone:

"Are you trying for a baby?"