brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

One of mine is normal but the other is inverted. Now I'm nervous that I'll have trouble breastfeeding my way-in-the-future children. Hurray, more unnecessary body anxiety!

Happy International Women's Day indeed...

Mittens' running mate is probably going to be Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia. Or, as we like to call him around here, The Hair. Not sure which would be the best/worst/most hilarious choice.

Oh, Crazy Eyes, how I missed you. There wasn't quite enough absurdity in my life while you were gone.

Yeah, I mean, at this clinic all services were provided for free. And if you have the choice between free dentures or getting expensive dental care provided by someone whose office is an hour or more away (because Wise has very few providers of any kind), multiple times...

I broke two adult teeth when I was 7 - broke, but did not knock them out - and that permanently ruined their roots. A full 20 years later I've *finally* finished fixing the damage. This included four root canals, three on one of those teeth alone. (Did you know you can get multiple root canals per tooth? I did not.

What's your source material on this? I'm calling bullshit.

Some people don't care about baby teeth because they'll fall out anyway. Never realizing that poor hygiene that young still fucks you up as an adult.

I've had at least 5 root canals, three on one tooth alone. The first couple really, really sucked. Now I fall asleep.

Have you learned nothing from reading Jezebel? Fat people don't have feelings!

Um...? That's not how genetics works.

A couple years ago I went to a large, multi-day free clinic in Wise County, Virginia. Wise is very, very poor. It's coal mining country after the coal companies left. People come to the clinic from all over - Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, both Carolinas, Ohio. Thousands of people. The heaviest need is

Yep, Purim is a yearly thing. Usually takes place in late winter/early spring, depending on the lunar calendar.

Possibly I could, but most likely not. Purim is in no way shape or form an important holiday. Also, I had to make up the last exam because of a stomach bug. I don't want to make this a trend.

Purim is like Halloween, but 10 times better. When I was a kid it was my very favorite night of synagogue. For once, kids could kids! And grownups could also act like kids thanks to the generous donations of vodka that always showed up.

The proudest moment of my life was when my very own CEFAD was published a while back. It *almost* makes me want to get another one just so I can do that again.

I'm so glad I'm alone in the office today because I just laughed until I couldn't breathe, and I look ridiculous when that happens.

For almost 6 months, every time I heard this song I'd sob like a small child whose favorite toy broke. I finally managed to knock that off like a week ago. Thanks for the giant step backwards.

I want NPH and family to be my adorable neighbors who I swap recipes with when we're both overwhelmed by all the kale we got from the CSA last week. I'll babysit and teach the kids to bake cookies, and they can invite me over to try the new tea they picked up the other day, and we'll all laugh when no one remembers

I bet Dooley got like, a million biscuits out of this. Hell, I'd give him a whole Thanksgiving dinner.