brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I thought that was the case. Thank you for clarifying, and thanks for all the extra information! I don't anticipate needing a DNR anytime soon, but if I do, I know where to store it!

I prefer Staff of Life (this may be a slightly different thing). It sounds all superhero-y.

Yeah, that's why the idea of color kinda squicks me out. If I get a medical tattoo I guess it should be blue, but...yikes.

Yep. I was 20, then 23, then 26...couple-few years of denial before I realized that was a bad plan.

My first was a flower. My second will be a mathematical equation. My third may be a medical tattoo. After that...kitty.

Point of interest: getting a DNR tattoo is no guarantee the medics and doctors will honor it. They're not obligated to if you don't also have a signed DNR order on file...wherever those things are filed.

It's definitely more dangerous for a diabetic person to get tattooed, if the diabetes is out of control and proper after care isn't applied. But IF your diabetes is under tight control and IF you go to a quality artist who has good hygiene and IF you follow the after care directions very carefully, a tattoo is no big

I KNOW. Is this not awesome? When these are released to the general public I will be first in line. Can my first one be a kitty?

Not all tattoo inks contain nickel. I am very allergic to nickel and can get a rash from cheap jewelry inside of 10 minutes. When I got my tattoo I made sure the artist knew that and he used ink that did not contain nickel. I believe it's mostly shades of red (not all of those even) that you have to watch out for.

I say it's worth one more shot, but if he doesn't respond, let it go. Good luck!

Melissa McCarthy would make the best best friend EVER. (With all apologies to my best friend who is in point of fact the best ever.)

Contact, The Shawshank Redemption, Harold and Maude, any Muppet movie.

I've met my last four boyfriends through OkCupid, to varying degrees of success. I've also met two very good friends on dates that didn't work out.

*trumpets* Congratulations!

I prefer a guy who's built like a coke can, when I can manage it. Generally I've been quite lucky with my partners' penises.

Was just talking this over with my new dude last night, who is himself well-endowed. Length matters less than girth. Unless length = microscopic. Very long penises tend to hit my cervix way more than I'd like. And that hurts in a bad way.

Heh. He likes to talk ad infinitum about his current RPG, which has been going for years. But then again I could talk a blue streak about work, so. It's always better when you're both nerdy but not about the same thing. Conversations tend to veer off in weird directions.

It's really hard for me to sleep in an unfamiliar place, so I'm more impressed that you can nap at his house without him in bed with you. That takes months for me. Good work.

Need to brag for a second because somehow against all odds I've bagged me a nerd who's not socially awkward, knows how to be in a relationship, is actively looking for someone to settle down with, and can keep me up all night, if you get my drift. How the hell did I get this lucky?

That's what it was. I knew it had something to do with ears.