brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I have a trans friend who lives in that general area, although she's not at all affiliated with the school district, nor does she have any kids there. She is actually in favor of the ban, reasoning that current policies might allow boys to dress up in "female" clothing and bully their way into girls' restrooms.

Someone from Bon Iver is from Richmond, or they collaborated with a local band, or something. All I know is the Richmond scenesters were way excited about the local connection last night.

Richmond: where everyone's trash eventually ends up. Thanks.

Watching the Richmond, VA twitter feed last night was pretty interesting. (Richmond is Chris Brown's hometown and where he did his community service after beating the shit out of Rihanna.) Half the city worships the bastard, and half the city wants to rip out his intestines. So the tweets were a mix of "OMG CHRIS

I feel the need to challenge your claim that Abe Lincoln is our sexiest president.

I love listening to Queen at the gym, but every once in a while when I'm in the wrong mood this one will just hit me hard and then I'm tearing up on the treadmill and it's bad news.

The first time I heard Someone Like You was four days after I ended a serious relationship. I wanted to marry the guy and when I realized that was never going to happen I cried for about a week without stopping. When I hear the song I feel like both Adele and the person she's singing to, and it's both sad and

I moved cross-country in 2006, and from the moment I announced I was leaving I don't think I had a moment to myself. It was awesome and also frustrating, and it really made me wonder if I had decided to move just for the attention. (Nope.) Next time I move I think I'll tell everyone a week or two before, long enough

She had a house a couple towns over from me growing up and a friend of mine claimed her mom went to Whitney's wedding. In retrospect I'm not sure I believe the last part. Sadface.

My mistake! I totally failed to notice that on first read, so I redacted the link. Good looking out.

Dammit, never mind.

[Redacted because I can't read dates.]

It's a shame to see a person with so much talent lose it to addiction.

My best friend met her fiance there. I met several exes there, including the last one, who I genuinely wanted to marry. Crossing my fingers that I'll actually marry the next one.

Associated Press is reporting that Whitney Houston has died.

Today has been a good, solid, productive day.

My mom's name is Johanna. In my culture we don't name babies after the living, so for a long time I thought about Hannah as a girl's name - close enough to honor her, but not close enough to break the taboo. Too bad an awful experience with a Hannah in my life right now has tainted that. I also like Harriet, after my

Yeah, that all happened on Gizmodo. The editor was from Gawker. Not sure what's going on in Gizmodo land lately, but it makes me glad I don't comment there.

I close my eyes. I've even been known to fall asleep. But then, I'm at the dentist a lot. Years of dental neglect and poor health FTW.

Brotherjo: A little nerdy, but ultimately useful.