
Feeling real bad for Adam, everyone should listen and support him in this rough patch.

Damn replying to a 4 month old comment?

He and Perry probably have the same views on fracking.

Internet Contrarian has logged on

No, you pervert

Honestly Preacher has always seemed to have a lot of wasted potential, but I’m still looking forward to seeing what they can do with it. Especially since they have a set end date and point to work towards.

Got a link for it:

That is an orb of hatred.

Orb Gang Represent

Not in this presidential election he’s not.


I think for Warren it’ll set the public opinion of her charisma, which is a hurdle she’s always faced.


They did a randomized thing where the top people got split up so it wouldn’t seem like too much of a kids table vs adults table 

Aka Tulsi popping off with some wild shit, while Inslee goes “THE ICE CAPS ARE MELTING WHY ARE WE DOING THIS” (aka the correct take).

Bernie’s NRA endorsement has always been troubling, and his gun statements have had some racial undertones. So yeah, I hold him accountable for that somewhat. But the NRA and the Third Way aren’t comparable organizations.

Claiming it’s bad that a think tank that is responsible for promoting terrible, neoliberal policies is endorsing a candidate is not disingenuous for one.

A) The machine is new and hasn’t fully decided what it’ll be yet, and the presidential contest is part of its process of deciding. Will it be a Bernie style Democratic Socialist org? Or a Warren style capitalist regulation org? Will it embrace Sanders style bottom up leadership, or Warren style top down? Only time and

Ok few things:

Do you take Bernie’s women comments out of context?