
thats the first thing i noticed. no version i ever had displayed the codename. it just has the version number. 1.6, 2.3.3, etc.

the point of slow is relative......relative to a ROCKET. yes they fly fast in ground speed terms, but they are a lot slower than an RPG

this is complete shit and i hope a mod removes it.

isnt that called MARPAT? not 8-bit.


i feel like ads are pretty much invisible to me now anyway. we've been bombarded with them for years that now i dont even really "see" them anymore.

i thought it was "corporate jet owners"

i just got this email too. wtf is that about? i dont want to wait 21 days to get my monies!

i love you

lolwut? xbox has a wireless headset and a remote, these are just updated versions.

a ridiculously large library. with proper tagging.

i keep seeing this in all of spotify threads. "why pay when there are free ones that do the same thing". i'm not aware of any free service that lets you play almost every track in world instantly. it just doesnt exist. you can say grooveshark, but the library comparison is night and day. spotify's library blows

In your settings, there is check box for high quality sound. It's off by default.

no, its very similar to the way itunes cloud will work. It detects that you own the song locally, it checks to see if that particular track is in it's library. If it is, it just lets you play it from them.

babaki1 at gmail dot com. thanks!

if you signed up with a uk proxy like we could 2 years ago, could you invite yourself?

for real? did you read the text above at all?

then dont read it.

she is doing it on a public subway train. there is no expectation of privacy. if she was on private property that would be another story, but its a public train.