
MeTV is so bad.

I think everyone's brains would explode.

Being Erica was such a fun show. Shame that no network in the US picked up the adaptation to series when it was being shopped around for a US-centric reboot. Sure, it wouldn't have been as good, but it would've been an interesting take on a good concept.

imo just retool Hawley a bit, don't have him try to be a love interest or anything - maybe have him have some knowledge of the occult given his upbringing and let him be the mystical artifact dudebro who might sometimes have just what they need - it'd be good if a few times, turns out he got a fake - or it didn't work.

Yep! He gets them from a Revolutionary War re-enactment group.

I was so hoping while watching this episode at the end that Bonnie would be the one who killed Lila - would explain her denying her access to Annalise earlier in the night. She could've been a spurned lover of Sam's.

Holy hell, that's Ben?

I believe he got into the class via the waitlist, not the college. Since wasn't he missing material on the first day of class that Annalise had disseminated a few weeks prior to the start of class?

I think I read it in an article someone posted in one of the PoI topics on

I believe Nolan & Plageman have said that if Sarah hadn't come to them and told them about her pregnancy when she did, they were going to have "a very difficult conversation with Jim"

Monk was such an excellent procedural.

The first reference to "Bless You!" being used is 77 AD.

The second I saw Katie Finneran in the credits, I was like "Hell yeah, the chick from Wonderfalls!"

I fell in love with it after maybe the first two minutes of the pilot.

Wicked would be so good for a live broadcast.

I've never heard of this movie before.

And Central Jersey says "Stop including us in your crap, South Jersey!"

Honestly, the shaky-cam freakouts sort of reminded me of stuff I occasionally experience before a seizure.

Dana Brody and Duck Philips?

The smash video made me laugh so hard. God, that show was the best thing to hate watch in YEARS.