
Nah, these little short stories are cool little world building elements. And they're free.

I really hope this isn't this season's Trophy Wife.

A bubble boy musical would be great.

I was like "oh my god Carrie don't do that what the fuck is wrong with you holy shit"

was it just me or was that scene mildly disturbing

I'm watching PoI live and DVRing Forever.

Gordon without his beard was scary.

I was also wondering how the heck they'd find frozen fractals.

I student taught Kindergarten during the fall.

I'm 5'6". Kids are prone to attaching to my legs too.

One of my favorite pieces from Lost was probably Moving On (The piece that ended the series).

I'd prefer a Trophy Wife Season 2, then a Suburgatory Season 4, then a Community Season 6

This finale being so damn good makes the cancellation that much worse D:

I really want Galavant to do well.

After this TV season i'm thinking of adopting a rule like that - So many shows I wanted to be renewed got cancelled.

Ryan speaking French was hilarious.

I don't know, but that sweater he wore for part of the episode made him look 30

The Pie Hole from Pushing Daisies. That pie looks tasty

It's good for background noise.

I laughed so hard at "Did you finally finish Charlotte’s Web?”