“Kidd is a moron” might be strong.
“Kidd is a moron” might be strong.
CTE is a real thing but we can’t bundle every problem a person can have in his head and drop in on the doorstep of CTE.
Explain this utterly stupid response.
Counter-counter-counter point: you can’t “try everything” in two baseball games.
You need to read. Because that is specifically not what I said. Or even close.
I believe Stormy Daniels who is a porn star. But if Stormy Daniels had said that she was a still a porn star in 2018 because of the way Donald Trump treated her IN 2018 and had two GoFundMe pages timed to her release of this information, I would be skeptical.
Read her letter. I would never ever compare her to Christine Blasey Ford.
Reading comprehension is something we used to teach in the schools. Do me a favor. Read what I wrote. That the way he was treating her in 2018 caused her to me a stripper. And then read her letter. Then tell me you find her credible. She is not. And that does not mean she is not lying.
How do you read that into my comment? Seriously?
The nuance here is lost on you and a lot of other commenters. It is not that she is a stripper. It is that she’s blaming him for her economic problems in 2018 for a reason totally unrelated to her mental health problems from the alleged abuse.
She became a stripper in 2018 because he was undermining her?
Norway also does not neuter pets.
I did not realize that is the law in Norway. Now that I learned that one Scandinavian country has laws that differ from ours, I have a whole new opinion.
I like both these guys and I like this beef. Embiid was incorrigible when he was on the disabled list for a year so he must be an incredible handful for opponents and teammates. But here is the thing: he can flat out play. He was great last night.
If you don’t think you should get more than 17 years for killing a woman and caused awful permanent injuries to a child then you do not care about prisoners, you shun the most basic concepts of redemption and forgiveness, and you would totally blow Trump if he dropped his pants anywhere within 10 yards of you.
That is a good speech. Does it fit here? No. But good speech.
They should make it an unwritten rule instead.
Your response has a humility that is unbecoming of the Internet. You must be new here. Never give in, never concede and never show generosity of spirit. Always look for places to disagree and hate.
Na. They are both adult kids, really
But he is not a writer. He is a baseball player responding in the moment in an interview. I love this blog, hate the nitpicking that goes on sometimes. Half the time I think people don’t even mean it, they are just looking to say something. These are largely decent people. Should they be round up and shot?…