Greg Rutkowski is an illustrator and concept artist from Poland who has worked on games like The Witcher 3 and…
Greg Rutkowski is an illustrator and concept artist from Poland who has worked on games like The Witcher 3 and…
“But parents today have no idea what polio was like, so it’s hard to convince somebody that lives are at risk if they don’t vaccinate.”
Obviously a Decepticon...
OK to recap:
Bark Souls
From now on all comments on articles discussing genetic modifications in particular and science in general need to stop referencing fiction of any kind.
You’re doing an awful lot of projecting onto Ariely’s pretty bland statement that both the asking and the agreeing are mistakes. For one, you seem to be suggesting, or at least hinting at the possibility, that the author’s sex partner had a premeditated plan to manipulate her. You don’t know that; he too could have…
Neat trick for Japan: if you want a really nice but dirt cheap apartment, look up the local news for a given area for suicides. If an apartment that you’re interested in has had someone commit suicide you’re very likely to get a good deal with rent.
This is exactly what happens and I’m sorry but I disagree with the premise of this article, that it’s a silly little thing and people aren’t trying to screw up.
I enjoy the mix of casual wear and weaponry.
We have a water service in our office. The start / stop on the water is controlled by a solenoid. Something failed in it over a weekend and water dispensed for two days. Two floors below ours had water damage. Water company tried to shirk liability as there’s a water sensor in the tray that is supposed to shut off the…
I never understood what goes on in the mind of higher ups think it’s a great idea to replace a average machine that’s doing a simple task perfectly fine; to install a complex machine to do a simple task that barely gets it right or takes 5x as long to do so.
Yeah. That’s a real confuguration bummer on the Golf R. ;)
Other people who shot the videos appear to be under the impression that destroying the Keurigs will make liberals angry
It’s worth learning Spanish to watch their main coverage as well. Univision shows the race in full screen while NBCSN. . . just switch to Univision when NBCSN shrinks the race to show you an ad. You’ll see the difference.
Anybody who thinks running a restaurant is an easy life has clearly never been in one as anything other than a customer. Food service is among the most time-suckingly brutal of industries. You’re never away from the job.
Insecurity, I guess. You can see that faces are not this guy’s strong point, but as you say, I don’t think this was necessary. His work is nice, but shows signs of someone who has worked hard to retrain against bad habits built up from too much anime-style work as a teenager. I can see why the expression grabbed him,…
Press X to pay respects.
It is the same end product. A rose that’s been crossbred to be pink would be identical to a plant that’s been gene-edited to be pink. That is literally science. People are afraid of CRISPR but they aren’t afraid of cross-breeding or selective breeding because they don’t understand how gene editing works. If you’ve…