
Yup, there’s a 100% chance she’ll do that. Best to get on the waitlist for therapists now. 

Oh god yes. My wife and I have worked pretty hard to minimize our daughter’s screen time only to be thwarted by Grandparents. Our friend’s have encountered the same issue. I can’t speak to other generations, but our Boomer family members are the absolute worst about screen time. I think because they didn’t grow up

That is truly excellent advice!

My wife loved getting congratulated by strangers. Luckily, thanks to Covid, nobody tried rubbing her belly. 

Not surprising but still very unfortunate. Of the military folks I know it’s about 3/4 sane rational people, and the remainder get far too much of their info from bullshit media. I also very much doubt that he has a top level clearance.

I don’t think you’ll find much resistance to that idea except from the very young (teenagers) and ironically, other Boomers. It’s been my experience that Boomers love social media to an unhealthy degree. Worse yet, they seem particularly vunerable to social media mediated scams and conspiracy theories. Part of that is

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Surely there are some nurses, MD’s, or PA’s that are involved in patient advocacy, that would have been a better source. 

Incorrect. Most of the bureaucracy comes from trying to get paid. Physicians spend a huge chunk of their time dealing with insurance companies. For example, one of my friends is an MD, and she won’t get paid for her services unless she writes very specific phrases like, “reviewed findings with patient on a laptop

I love that these articles never consult anyone actually in Pharma or associated regulatory bodies (e.g. FDA, EMA, etc.). I make drugs for a living, 9 years is wildly optimistic for many of those things. The stuff I’m working on now, will just be hitting the clinic in 2030, if I’m very, very, lucky.

Wrong. Most of the bureaucracy around healthcare is about getting paid (by insurance companies). One of friends is an MD, she won’t get paid for her work unless she writes very specific phrases in the EMR, like “reviewed patient test results on a laptop computer.” Then there’s ICD-10 codes...


Police need to chill the fuck out in their squad cars. I almost got T-boned by a cop blowing through an intersection- without his siren or lights on. He only put them on after he nearly hit me and I honked at him.

The leg pulse is directly derived from ballet exercises designed to strengthen the glutes and muscles that stabilize the hip joint. If you have good core strength and (correct) posture, the exercise isn’t risky at all. Beginners often arch their backs too far, bounce their legs way too quickly and with too much range

Yes, but they can fold it into the shape of an origami swan, always a necessity in protective equipment!

Thank you for introducing me to the Domke wrap. That’s a piece of kit I didn’t know about. It’s also way better than the “Bad Wrap” in terms of price, design, and absence of terrible puns.

Yeah, we’re in agreement on all counts. The demonization of hormonal BC is truly bizarre. Have these women not talked to their mothers or grandmothers about what it was like before?

I wish I could give you a thousand stars. I was working on a similar reply, but it wasn’t nearly as cogent.

Anything less than say, 5-6 years old (and not scalded) should still contain a number of bioactive compounds, proteins, and antibodies. It works very as a topical treatment for ezcema, scrapes, and would probably be useful for other types of skin irritation (e.g. sunburn, rashes, hives, etc.). After about 6 years, ice

Don’t wear that short skirt and be sure to pack your AR-15!

Now that VW isn’t going to sell regular Golf’s in the US, I wish that they could make the Polo available in the US and Canada.