
Yes. As a corollary, “How do these people have that much money?” Always shocked by the budgets people have. Though I live in a place where 3 bedroom condos go for $1 million+, so I can't be too critical.

Brownian motion pearls! 

My bad, sloppy writing. I meant that ME:A should have been built with the same engine as the previous games in the series (Unreal?). The Frostbite troubles were extensively documented on multiple game sites.

I hadn’t read that. Wow.

If I remember correctly, EA corporate demanded that they use Frostbite. That being said, Bioware leadership should have done a better job pushing back.

I wish I could give you two stars. One for this, and another for your follow-up comment/joke. I’m in the same boat.

Yes, “shingles” is the result of the chicken pox virus emerging from dormancy in immunocompromised individuals.

That's my go to. It's very effective. Nothing quite like adorable, lamb shaped gravestones to drive an argument.

I work in drug discovery for Oncology and have had much the same experience with my relatives. Though in retrospect, those conversations take about half as long as CBD myth busting. While I’m happy to help my friends and family, such conversatioms make me lament the quality of science education in the US.

Pretty sure we’ll have cold fusion and FTL long before that happens.

Option 1,Softbank predicts the IPO to reach 20 billion again now that the company is being run by adults. They still stand to make a profit if that works out, despite their previous and current commitments.

Yup, people freak out over Ebola, when Influenza kills 5-10x more people in the US per year. Likewise it's responsible for the worst pandemic since the black death.

Very true. I'm sure Jezebel's catered to whatever Gilead's elite fancied. Hypocrisy isn't hypocrisy when you make the rules.

Yandy missed a golden opportunity. Were I in charge of the design, I would have made it show about an inch more ankle and elbow. That's how you make a sexy handmaiden costume. 

Show dem'Earthers SaSa!

I whole heatedly agree, the biology is more complex and nauced then we previously thought. For simplicity’s sake, biologists have stuck with “sexes” to describe XX and XY. It’s a useful if imperfect shorthand.

Arrg, as someone in the medical field that crap pisses me off. Did they not find the breaks on an x-ray? Did they jump straight to an MRI?

Quick correction: sex is binary, gender is not.

Merconium, oh boy. I can deal with every other body fluid but merconium...nope.