it's been a few years, but here goes:
it's been a few years, but here goes:
After destroying all the merchandise, setting fire to the store, and verbally abusing the employees, Harbaugh also gets a great discount on shoes at Foot Locker.
If we're going just by the frequency and timing with which he uses it, I'm guessing that "Omaha" usually means, "Yes, in exchange for payment, I will endorse that."
Who does "butthurt" and righteous indignation better than Niners fans?
It's this, but 9ers fans haven't had something to whine about for a whole 20 minutes
Because they're playing New England, and the rest of the country supports their efforts to restrict an influx of Massholes?
This is an old trick. Across the street, the Mariners have been restricting ticket purchases from people from any ZIP code since early 2008.
Forgot about SLUTZ and their free birth control. Oh, and abortions (a.k.a. MURDEEEER).
Fuck the Seahawks
Who dat? You dat team that's 2-7 the last nine times you've played the Seahawks, and who got rolled the last time you came into Century Link. Good luck with your noise-cancelling earbuds, they worked great the last time you used them.
Yawn. Bring back The B in Apt 23!
That definitely distracted me from the headache-inducing task of trying to figure out the mechanics of that seven person clusterfuck. The best guess I can make is like an MC Escher drawing filled with dongs.
"It's too early to call the front office dumb, short-sighted, foolish, unaccountable, etc."? Uh, no.
I'm going to have to agree with your friend. You have a good friend.
Ben is an acquaintance of mine and a lot of friends have been posting the link to this Today show article/slideshow that has more of his perspective on the shoot:…
Ben wrote about the experience, saying: "Many people have asked me how I felt while doing that photo session. What I…
I am actually really impressed with the ballsiness of this. Well done.